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Gammal 2020-05-15, 19:14   #91
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OKAY. So demand has been reduced dramatically around the world, our $21 trillion GDP has basically been paused for 2 months, so to keep it afloat (rough math), the government had to add $3.5 trillion to keep the economy running somewhat smoothly. That's a lot of printing, you idiots probably expect inflation. Wrong, step away from the US and look at what other countries are doing, the ECB (European Central Bank) and BOJ (Bank of Japan) are having to print trillions of dollars worth of EURO and YEN to keep their economies going, along with every other country getting pounded. Not only that, but since the US dollar makes up 70% of global transactions, in liquidity terms, trillions worth of euro and yen is MUCH MUCH more than any amount Jpow feels like printing, there's no way our printing could offset what the rest of the world is doing, so inflation isn't coming. If you want proof, just look at the euro/usd (going lower) and literally ANY emerging market currency is getting absolutely clapped vs the dollar.

Furthermore, not only is US corporate debt at an all time high, but emerging markets, the eurozone, and asia has borrowed more dollars than ever before at any point in history, basically everyone around the world's debt is denominated in US DOLLARS. So what's about to happen? It's already happening, demand for US dollars is going up because everyone around the world wants to borrow more to offset cash flow concerns and pay off existing debts, which will cause the dollar to increase in value. What happens when the whole world has debt in dollars and the dollar goes up in value? DEBT BECOMES MORE EXPENSIVE. This is DEFLATION, and in particular and even more terrifying DEBT DEFLATION, a phrase that would make Jpow absolutely shit himself (and he knows its coming). This has already started before the whole beervirus nonsense, look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe, they had too much dollar debt, no one wanted to lend to them anymore and whoops, their currency is worthless now. It's going to be like a game of musical chairs for people trying to get access to dollars, starting with emerging markets and eventually moving into the more developed economies. The result: massive corporate bankruptcies, countries defaulting on debt (devaluing their currencies) and eventually a deleveraging of massive proportions. This WILL occur and no amount of printing can stop it, it's already too far gone.

It doesn't matter what the stock market does, other markets around the world will be fucked, honestly it might cause the market to go up because of all the money fleeing other countries trying to find a safe place to live. Here are the plays assholes. TLT will go up because no matter what Jpow says, he doesn't control the fed funds rate, the market does, and US treasury bond yields have already priced in bonds going negative. CPI shows that we may see up to -3% inflation (3% deflation), meaning at .25% fed funds rate, the REAL rate is 3.25%, that is the worst thing possible during a deleveraging because it makes it harder to stimulate the economy, the fed has no choice, rates MUST go lower. Rates go lower, bond prices go up, TLT 12/18 $205c. Remember how I said scared foreign money will want to find a nice safe place to go when we go into the biggest debt crisis the world has seen in over 300 years? GLD 12/18 $240c. Finally, the dollar will rise in value as well so UUP 12/18 $28c.

As far the actual market, we hit a high of SPY 339.08 in February, fell to a low of 218.26 by mid March, and have since then retraced EXACTLY to the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level at 290, and started to bounce lower from there. I'm no technical analyst, but I do know history. During the greatest crashes in stock market history, 1929, 2001, 2008, the Nikkei in 1989 (Japan) this exact same thing happened, market got scared and fell to lows, then smoked that good hopium for a few weeks or month to retrace between 50% and 61.8% back to previews highs, then absolutely fell off a cliff. If you don't believe me, go look at the charts. Now, I'm personally not going to be betting on the US market falling because of the fact that its just straight up not reflecting reality and there are much better ways to trade on what's occurring (see trades above), but I PROMISE, that we will not be seeing new highs at any point any time soon.

TLDR; The world is going to shit due to the dollars over-dominance of the world market, we will soon see the worst deleveraging in human history, and may very well have to come up with a new fiat money system (probably not bitcoin, but it wouldn't hurt to have some). TLT 12/18 $205c, GLD 12/18 $240c, and UUP 12/18 $28c. If you wanna be an autist and buy weeklys, I can't help you, but I basically just gave you the next big short, so you're welcome.

DISCLAIMER: I didn't say what price to buy at for a reason, timing is extremely important for trades like this, so don't FOMO in and overpay, you will get clapped.
It's happening bros and hoes.
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Gammal 2020-05-15, 19:17   #92
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It's happening bros and hoes.
Wall of text, säg bara vad jag ska korta.
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Gammal 2020-05-15, 21:17   #93
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här är tråden om nån vill läsa mer om saken
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Gammal 2020-05-15, 21:35   #94
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Peter Schiff livestreamar nu, brukar svara på aktuella tittarfrågor på fredagar

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Gammal 2020-05-15, 22:46   #95
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Trodde mer på att Maya kalendern skulle få världsekonomin att krajja,.
Ursprungligen postat av King Grub Visa inlägg
Jag minns alla storheter där på forumen, jag var med från början och jag var och är nog den störste legenden någonsin. En legend dom gjorde allt för att tysta. Jag styrde fan Kolo... Men dom fixade så jag inte kunde logga in. Men då och då nämns mitt gamla nick.
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Gammal 2020-05-16, 13:13   #96
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A ruling by Germany’s constitutional court has sparked serious fears of the unravelling of the European Union.

It’s a delayed judgment from an old fight that has hit the EU at its most vulnerable. A group of German academics, including a former leader of the far-right party Alternative für Deutschland, Bernd Lucke, took a case in 2015 to challenge the bond-buying programme of the European Central Bank (ECB).

They hardly hoped to win, but thought they could make a political point. During the euro zone crisis, as now, the ECB was buying the debt of economically weaker EU countries to bid down their borrowing costs and rescue them from the threat of a debt spiral, and directing national central banks to do likewise.

This is an emergency measure taken to hold the euro zone together when its economic imbalances threaten to tear it apart, but it has long been hated by German conservatives who believe it harms savers and pension funds.

Last week, the German constitutional court unexpectedly sided with them. It ruled that the ECB failed to conduct a “proportionality” analysis of the effect of its bond-buying policies on “public debt, personal savings, pension and retirement schemes, real estate prices and the keeping afloat of economically unviable companies”.

In a pithy 110-page judgment, the court ordered the German central bank to stop buying bonds if the ECB failed to produce such an assessment within three months. This immediately raised fears it could jeopardise current bond-buying efforts, and cause a run on Italian debt.

This is perilous to the euro zone, but not as damaging to the EU as another part of the ruling, which has tugged at a thread that some fear may lead to the unravelling of its very order.

Earlier ruling
The German court stated that it was free to ignore an earlier ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the issue because “the Court of Justice of the European Union exceeds its judicial mandate”.
Ser inte bra ut för EU och skuldekonomin.
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Gammal 2020-05-17, 14:54   #97
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Molyneux ger en översikt över varför dollarn härskar. Det han för två år sedan sa om Kinas försök att komma undan det med en fristående valuta var inte så långt från verkligheten.

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Gammal 2020-05-18, 00:52   #98
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denna andra del av Fjärde statsmakten 47 talar Mikael Willgert med Magnus Stenlund om uppkomsten av fastighetsbolaget SBB och händelserna kring Ilija Batljan, stödpaketen till företagen, och vår ekonomiska framtid.

Magnus går in på historien med Ilija Batljan som misstänks för insiderbrott. Det finns stora risker med att väldigt snabbt låna stora pengar och bygga upp stora fastighetsbestånd som hans bolag har gjort.

Magnus drar paralleller till Carl-Eric Björkegren som gjort snabba pengar på stor belåning och uppblåsta fastighetsvärden. Lånen fås ofta genom goda kontakter på storbanker. SBB har sannolikt fått fördelaktiga kontrakt med kommuner bland annat tack vare Ilija Batljans politiska goodwill och bakgrund som socialdemokratisk lokalpolitiker.
Magnus förklarar att vårt ekonomiska system under ett antal år har premierat den som kan låna medan den som sparar har missgynnats.

Bankerna är väldigt känsliga för kreditförluster. Om ett bolag likt SBB går under får det mycket stora konsekvenser för banksystemet. Om bankerna tar stora förluster så måste de minska sina balansräkningar i snabb takt - det blir en omvänd kreditexpansion.

Den extremt låga räntenivån tvingar småsparare in i högriskinvesteringar. Bankkonton och räntefonder med låg risk ger en mycket liten avkastning, ofta mindre än inflationen, och man knuffas då in i placeringar med betydligt högre risk, vilket i slutändan ofta leder till stora förluster.

Magnus berättar även att han avslöjade att de officiella sysselsättningssiffrorna inte stämde. Det mörkades i pressen att det var han som upptäckte detta p.g.a. hans politiska hållning.

Han berättar att en anledning till den låga inflationen de senaste åren är att Kina har producerat billiga varor åt resten av världen. Men nu flyttar mycket av produktionen ut ur Kina. Det kan innebära en kraftig ökning av inflationen.

Samtidigt finns en risk för stora krascher i tillgångspriser vad gäller fastigheter och aktier. Detta är ett alternativt scenario där vi kan få negativ inflation (deflation).

Vi står alltså inför en oviss framtid där vi kan mötas av antingen hyperinflation eller deflation. Vilket av dessa scenarier som faktiskt kommer att utspela sig är idag oklart.
Ett korthus har vi byggt.
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Gammal 2020-05-18, 01:17   #99
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Del 1:

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Gammal 2020-05-19, 10:06   #100
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Lyssnade på båda delarna igår, mycket värt tiden. Om jag minns rätt kom han med siffror på den privata belåningen i Sverige, vilket är väldigt hög och kan komma orsaka problem trots att den svenska statsskulden är låg.
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Gammal 2020-05-21, 14:15   #101
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Deflation i Kanada.


Canadian inflation went negative for the first time since the 2009 recession after the coronavirus lockdown put the brakes on the world economy.

Consumer prices dropped 0.2 per cent in April from the same month a year earlier, Statistics Canada reported Wednesday from Ottawa. That’s down from a 0.9 per cent annual rate in March and 2.2 per cent in February.

The report adds inflation to the list of economic indicators showing an historic impact from the coronavirus pandemic. Collapsing gasoline prices have pulled inflation lower over the past two months, but weak demand should keep inflation at extremely low levels for an extended period, and could even spur worries about deflation. That will keep pressure off the Bank of Canada to ease up on accommodation efforts any time soon.

Core inflation readings, which factor out volatile items like energy prices and are often seen as a better measure of underlying price pressure, declined to 1.8 per cent, from 1.83 per cent in the prior month, the lowest since January 2019.

From March, prices fell 0.7 per cent, matching the largest one-month drop since 2008.

Statistics Canada also said it was unable to gather as much data as usual because in-person collection was suspended and some establishments were temporarily closed.
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Gammal 2020-05-25, 18:55   #102
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Hertz konkar:


Behöver inte vara en raketforskare för att fatta att den där skuldutvecklingen skulle resultera i konkurs för eller senare.
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Gammal 2020-05-28, 10:19   #103
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EU-kommissionen föreslår en återhämtningsfond på 750 miljarder euro. Förslaget ska finansieras genom ett utökande av EUs utsläppshandelssystem (ETS), att införa koldioxidskatt på importvaror, samt att införa skatter på den digitala ekonomin. Man ska även ge ut obligationer med en löptid upp till 30 år.

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Gammal 2020-05-28, 10:25   #104
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samt att införa skatter på den digitala ekonomin
Det finns sedan 2015 redan en skatt för "Telecommunications, broadcasting & electronic services" där kundens land avgör beskattningen. Men detta är alltså något ytterligare?

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Gammal 2020-05-28, 10:43   #105
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Det finns sedan 2015 redan en skatt för "Telecommunications, broadcasting & electronic services" där kundens land avgör beskattningen. Men detta är alltså något ytterligare?

Något ytterligare.

This is why the Commission will additionally propose a number of new own resources. These could be based on the planned extension of the emissions trading scheme. These could be based on a C02 border tax to counterbalance imports of cheap products from abroad which damage the climate. And these could also be based on a new digital tax.
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