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Gammal 2020-09-14, 17:38   #145
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Reg.datum: Sep 2016
Inlägg: 286
Ursprungligen postat av Sverker Visa inlägg
Jag frågade ifall fytinsyra i sädesslag binder mineraler från andra livsmedel i samma måltid ?
Jag ser inte varför fytinsyra skulle göra någon skillnad på varifrån mineralerna kommer ifrån när allt är i tarmen.
Ursprungligen postat av Sverker Visa inlägg
Min utgångspunkt är att fytatet i säden redan binder viktigt magnesium. Är helt enkelt mättad och inaktiv.
Om det var fallet så skulle inte man inte se ett högre näringsupptag vid minskad konsumtion av fytater.
"Phytic acid is present in many plant systems, constituting about 1 to 5% by weight of many cereals and legumes. Concern about its presence in food arises from evidence that it decreases the bioavailability of many essential minerals by interacting with multivalent cations and/or proteins to form complexes that may be insoluble or otherwise unavailable under physiologic conditions." (Phytic acid interactions in food systems)
Några exempel:
"Substitution of a low–phytic acid grain in a maize-based diet is associated with a substantial increase in zinc absorption." (Zinc absorption from a low–phytic acid maize)
"The removal of phytate during food processing and/or by adding exogenous phytase results in the improvement of the bioavailability of essential minerals, such as calcium, iron and zinc. This has been ascribed as a potential way to reduce the risk of mineral deficiency among populations, mainly in developing countries, consuming unrefined cereals and/or pulses as a major diet." (Dietary roles of phytate and phytase in human nutrition: A review)
"It is concluded that the fermentation of bread containing bran reduces the phytic acid content and increases Zn absorption from such bread. This may be of importance to people subjected to diets with a high cereal content, especially in combination with a low animal-protein intake." (Reduction of the phytate content of bran by leavening in bread and its effect on zinc absorption in man)
"Nutritional rickets is reported in a 15-year-old Indian boy. His diet contained a high content of phytic acid and when this was reduced the rickets healed. Reports of nutritional osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children among the immigrant population of the United Kingdom are essentially confined to Indians or Pakistanis. The high dietary phytic acid among the chapati-eating Asian immigrants may be sufficient to impair calcium absorption and account for the nutritional rickets and osteomalacia in this population group." (Phytic acid and nutritional rickets in immigrants)
Läser man studien så är det inte så konstigt. De hänvisar till andra studier när de skriver:
"For the purposes of inhibition of metal uptake, it has been shown that it is the first 10–20 mg phytate-P in a meal exerts the largest inhibitory effect, and that additionally increase of phytate-P in the same meal has a relatively minor effect. Thus, a nearly complete elimination of phytate content is necessary to have any effect on iron bioavailability. Phytates coming from other parts of the subjects’ habitual diet may have nullified any effect of the low-phytate bread on iron bioavailability. Similar to our findings, an 8 week high-phytate diet had no effect on ferritin, transferrin receptor, and hepcidin concentrations in 28 females."
Denna tabellen visar dessutom att skillnaden i det totala intaget av fytater mellan grupperna inte var särskilt stor.
Ursprungligen postat av Garlegi Visa inlägg
Fytinsyra kan kanske minska risken för njursten också. Vad ska man välja istället för sädesslag?
Anticancerogena ämnen finns t.ex. i olika bär som blåbär, vinbär, lingon och hallon men finns också i morötter, lök, kål, m.m.
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