
Visa fullständig version : Grub stämmer detta?

2006-12-08, 20:41
Från www.thexvest.com (verkar vara en bra produkt, men detta verkar ju överdrivet). Källan: http://xvest.fitnessinsite.com/main/gateway/gateway.asp?GID=445&CID=0&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fmaster%2Fmain%2FFVG%2FArticleLibr ary%2Fdefault.asp%3Fa%3D380

HGH and Weight Loss

Young adults who weight train and engage in resistance exercise stimulate HGH production. Exercise stimulates the release of a powerful surge of HGH, which promotes repair and rebuilding of the muscle that sustained small micro tears during the workout. During exercise HGH is usually released toward the end of a work out and immediately afterward. Therefore it is recommended to work out on an empty stomach (avoid any power bars for fast energy), drink only water while working out (avoid high carbohydrate drinks), and wait at least one hour after workout for food consumption and then eating a high protein diet.

Avoiding sweet, starchy carbohydrates especially before bedtime, which will cause increased levels of blood glucose and in turn inhibits HGH. A nutrition plan with plenty of protein and keep your carbohydrates and free fatty acids restricted. Remember along with proper nutrition and exercise you must also get adequate amounts of sleep. HGH is secreted maximally in stage III and IV sleep, the first hour or two after reaching deep sleep. To reach maximal potential you must get sound sleep every night.

Och detta:

How do you maximize the stimulation/secretion of HGH?

Factors that stimulate the release of HGH:

- Decreased blood glucose levels

- Increased blood protein levels

- Carbohydrate restricted diet

- Fasting

- Increased protein diet

- Stage IV sleep

- Exercise/Weight training

Känns som jag läst liknande någon gång för länge sedan, emn inte hört om några av sakerna på senare tid.

So what do you say Grub? Stämmer allt, eller är det gammal fakta att restriktera kolhydrat intaget.

King Grub
2006-12-08, 20:52
Fastande ökar GH-frisättningen, ja, men GH är inget muskelbyggande hormon hos vuxna:



Rådet att vänta med att tillföra protein efter träning är befängt. Proteinsyntesen är beroende av tillgänglighet till EAA, inte GH-frisättning, och kolhydrat med insulinfrisättning förbättrar proteinbalansen via antikatabola effekter. I samband med träning är påståendet med fasta och GH direkt trams - det är det omvända som gäller.

Our laboratory reported that a protein and carbohydrate supplement consumed before and immediately after resistance exercise enhanced the acute GH response from 0 to 30 min postexercise compared with a noncaloric placebo despite similar glucose levels between trials. Compared with placebo, a protein and carbohydrate supplement consumed immediately and 120 min after resistance exercise increased GH during late recovery when glucose levels were lower.


Fastande innebär aldrig anabolism.

2006-12-08, 22:01
Bra Grub precis som jag trodde.

Genom att publicera dessa felaktigheter får de säkert många att göra dåliga val, det är synd *grr*