
Visa fullständig version : Metabolismen

2005-12-06, 18:52
Jag har inte riktigt koll på det här med nedsänkt metabolism, eller "svältläge" som vissa kallar det. Jag har sökt lite på forumet och det råder helt klart olika uppfattningar om det här.

Å ena sidan finns det de som anser att det kan röra sig om så mycket som 1000kcal skillnad om man bara råka äta lite lite under en vecka. (och "svältläget" håller ju i sig i minst en månad!)

Medans andra menar att det här med nedsänkt metabolism är en seglivad myt och vill stå på grunden att kroppen behöver energi för att jobba vidare, vare sig man äter lite eller inte.

Borde man som människa i detta s.k. svältläge inte känna sig fruktansvärt trött och orkeslös om kroppen har börjat stänga av funktioner?

Vad jag nu ber om är utifall någon vänlig själ kan reda ut detta en gång för alla.

2005-12-06, 21:41
Lyle McDonald:

“ On the one hand, about the max slowdown I have ever seen is like 25-30% (maybe it was a bit higher) and that was in the Minnesota starvation study where men were starved for 6 solid months at 50% of mainteance cals and hit about 4% bodyfat. Other slowdowns will be much smaller.

Meaning that, assuming a large enough deficit, the slowdown should not ever be able to cancel out a large enough deficit. At worst, it decreases the net deficit. So if you're running a 25% deficit from maintenance and metabolic rate slows by 10-15%, your net deficit is now only 10-15%.

On the other, I have seen what appear to be fat loss stalls although it can be hard to tell if it's a true stoppage of fat loss or:
a. the body is holding water and that's covering up true fat loss
b. the fat loss is simply too slow to be measurable/visible (which ties into the relative deficit decreasing).

I suspect it's a combo of a and b.”


“ The paper I'm thinking of didn't look at mechanisms, it simply noted that people varied in how quickly/how much metabolic rate crashed in response to an identical caloric deficit.

A related study examined the response to fasting and overfeeding in the same people, finding that

a. the people whos metabolic rate crashed the most during fasting, increased the least during overfeeding
b. the people whos metabolic rate crashed the least during fasting, increased the most during overfeeding

This is likely due to differences in sensitivity to leptin, insulin, thyroid, and other hormones all of which are playing a role in this.

The researchers posited that some people have a thrifty metabolism (hard to lose/easy to gain weight) and others have a spendthrift metabolism (easy to lose/hard to gain). The latter tend to be a smaller percentage of folks. ”

2005-12-07, 12:15
Tack så mycket thezet! Någon mer som har en say angående detta?

2005-12-28, 21:44
Bumpar den här! Sverker, Grub, jwzrd et al?

2005-12-29, 08:05
Bumpar den här! Sverker, Grub, jwzrd et al?
har du planer på en deff?