
Visa fullständig version : kolhydrat vid kreatin?

2005-01-04, 17:17
jag använder för tillfället protein+snabbakolhydrater efter träning......jag hade snart även tänkt börja använda kreatin......när man använder kreatin ska man då miska/öka på kolhydraterna i kosten i övrigt?

jag hade tänkt ta 5g kreatin ca 1tim innan träning och 5g kreatin i efterträningsshakern! låter de bra?

2005-01-04, 17:27
erhm, det jag vet så kan man göra som man själv vill. Öka minska eller ha det som man har det nu! Dock så rekommenderar en del att äta snabba kolhydrater samtidigt som man intar Kreatin för att Kreatin upptaget blir snabbare då.

2005-01-07, 20:54
jag har en liten följdfråga på kreatin.. mitt kreatin är jäkligt svårt att lösa i vatten, så jag har börjat använda vatten från tekokaren.. Det löser sig på en gång och sen kyler jag det med kranvatten..

men jag funderar om kreatin är värmekänsligt? tål det att blandas med nästintill kokande vatten??

2005-01-07, 21:17
Blanda med mer vatten och rör om noga istället.

2005-01-08, 08:47
jag har en liten följdfråga på kreatin.. mitt kreatin är jäkligt svårt att lösa i vatten, så jag har börjat använda vatten från tekokaren.. Det löser sig på en gång och sen kyler jag det med kranvatten..

men jag funderar om kreatin är värmekänsligt? tål det att blandas med nästintill kokande vatten??

Det tål säkert inte kokande vatten.

Värm ditt vatten i kokaren och tillsätt därefter kallt vatten så att det blir fingervarmt. Blanda ned kreatinet ordentligt nu.

Kreatin är inte stabilt så varför riskera något. Det är ju dumt ifall 35 % förstörs innan man fått det i munnen :(

King Grub
2005-01-08, 09:03
Characterization of dehydration behavior of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate powders, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 35, No. 3, pages 185-191 (2004)

Creatine, which is well known as an important substance for muscular activity, is synthesized from amino acids such as glycine, arginine and ornithine in liver and kidney. It then accumulates in skeletal muscle as creatine phosphoric acid. The aim of this study was to understand the dehydration behavior of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate at various temperatures. The removal of crystal water was investigated by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X-ray diffraction pattern of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate agreed with reported data for creatine monohydrate. However, the diffraction peaks of the (100), (200) and (300) planes of pulverized creatine monohydrate were much stronger than those of untreated creatine monohydrate. On the other hand, the diffraction peaks of the (012) and (013) planes of untreated creatine monohydrate were much stronger than those of pulverized creatine monohydrate. The dehydration of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate was investigated at various storage temperatures, and the results indicated that untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate were transformed into the anhydrate at more than 30^oC. After dehydration, the particles of untreated and pulverized creatine anhydrate had many cracks. The dehydration kinetics of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate were analyzed by the Hancock-Sharp equation on the basis of the isothermal DSC data. The dehydrations of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate both followed a zero-order mechanism (Polany-Winger equation). However, the transition rate constant, calculated from the slope of the straight line, was about 2.2-7.7 times higher for pulverized creatine monohydrate than for untreated creatine monohydrate. The Arrhenius plots (natural logarithm of the dehydration rate constant versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature) of the isothermal DSC data for untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate were linear. The activation energies of dehydration in the 40 - 60^oC range for untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate were 15.02 and 10.1kJ/mol, respectively. Dehydration of untreated creatine monohydrate had a pronounced effect on the particle size of the powder. Compared with pulverized creatine monohydrate, the particle size of untreated creatine monohydrate was significantly decreased by dehydration.

2005-01-08, 09:19
Oj, King Grub !

Jag är inte säker på att jag förstått undersökningen :em:

Men vad jag läst så har de jämfört stor kristaller av kreatin MOT pulveriserat kreatin.

De studerar " dehydration " vilket jag tror är omvandlingen av kreatin till kreatinin.
Men undersökningen är väl gjord på torr pulver i värmeskåp vid olika temperaturer och speglar INTE vad som händer i ett glas med varmt vatten ?

King Grub
2005-01-08, 09:25
Precis. Värmens påverkan på pulvriserat eller "helt" kreatin. Jag hade inte hunnit leta upp resten än. :)

"The stability of creatine is an important subject for athletes looking to get the most out of their supplementation protocol. Based on the available research, creatine is best absorbed when the creatine powder is scooped directly into the mouth and swallowed with a few small sips of water. This insures minimal conversion of creatine to creatinine (Myers, 2000). Dash et al. (2002) further investigated this phenomenon. The crystal structure of creatine monohydrate has previously been reported. However, little information is available on its solid-state properties. Guo et al. (2003) suggests that oxidization of creatine readily causes the conversion to creatinine. Ganguly (2003) dissolved creatine effervescent powders in deionized water and stored them at room temperature and in a refrigerator over a period of several weeks. Creatine concentration was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. Intrinsic dissolution and saturated solubility of creatine, creatine monohydrate, and di-creatine citrate in water were determined and compared. Crystal growth was detected only in the refrigerated samples on the seventh day of storage. Ninety percent creatine degradation was observed within weeks. However, at refrigerated condition this degradation was 80% within the same time period. Di-creatine citrate used in effervescent formulation dissociates to creatine in aqueous solution and eventually crystallizes. Significant decrease in solubility and effect of pH contribute to this crystallization process.

Sakata et al. (2004) set out to understand the dehydration behavior of creatine monohydrate at various temperatures. The dehydration of untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate was investigated at various storage temperatures, and the results indicated that untreated and pulverized creatine monohydrate were transformed into the anhydrate at more than 30 degrees C. After dehydration, the particles of untreated and pulverized creatine anhydrate had many cracks. Dehydration of untreated creatine monohydrate had a pronounced effect on the particle size of the powder. Compared with pulverized creatine monohydrate, the particle size of untreated creatine monohydrate was significantly decreased by dehydration."

Creatine: A Meta Analysis, Journal of Hyperplasia Research, January 2005

2005-01-08, 09:56
Då klipper jag ut detta enkla:

" Based on the available research, creatine is best absorbed when the creatine powder is scooped directly into the mouth and swallowed with a few small sips of water. This insures minimal conversion of creatine to creatinine (Myers, 2000). Dash et al. (2002)"