
Visa fullständig version : Motsägelsefulla analyser av teorin om kaloribalans?

King Grub
2020-11-30, 12:10
Energy metabolism theory affirms that body weight stability is achieved as over time the average energy intake equals the average energy expenditure, a state known as energy balance. Here it is demonstrated, however, that weight stability coexists with a persistent energy imbalance. Such unexpected result emerges as a consequence of the answers to three fundamental problems: 1. Is it possible to model body weight fluctuations without the energy balance theory? And if so, what are the benefits over the energy balance strategy? 2. During energy balance, how the oxidized macronutrient distribution that underlies the average energy expenditure is related to the macronutrient distribution of the average energy intake? 3. Is energy balance possible under a low-fat diet that simultaneously satisfies the following conditions? (a) The fat fraction of the absorbed energy intake is always less than the oxidized fat fraction of the energy expenditure. (b) The carbohydrate fraction of the absorbed energy intake is always greater or equal to the oxidized carbohydrate fraction of the energy expenditure. The first of these issues is addressed with the axiomatic method while the rest are managed through analythical arguments. On the whole, this analysis identifies inconsistencies in the principle of energy balance. The axiomatic approach results also in a simple mass balance model that fits experimental data and explains body composition alterations. This model gives rise to a convincing argument that appears to elucidate the advantage of low-carbohydrate diets over isocaloric low-fat diets. It is concluded, according to the aforementioned model, that weight fluctuations are ultimately dependent on the difference between daily food mass intake and daily mass loss (e.g., excretion of macronutrient oxidation products) and not on energy imbalance. In effect, it is shown that assuming otherwise may caused unintended weight gain.

Heliyon, Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2020. Serious analytical inconsistencies challenge the validity of the energy balance theory.


2020-11-30, 13:21
I så fall är ju chokladkakor och smör överlägset volymös men energifattig mat. :D

Ola Wallengren
2020-11-30, 17:13
I så fall är ju chokladkakor och smör överlägset volymös men energifattig mat. :D

Ja, och det "bevisar" de, ganska övertygande, genom ett fantastiskt antal ekvationer. Eftersom de själv sätter upp ekvationera blir de därför sanna i deras resonemang, vilket de kanske inte alltid är. De bevisar logiken med att dra paralleller med varmvattenberedare och använder "simuleringar" med oklara ingångsvärden. Dessa valiberar de genom att jämföra med data från en viktnedgångsstudie med självrapporterade kostdata.

Logiken är enkel, om man äter en kost som väger 500g så måste man gå ner i vikt mer än om man äter en kost som väger 700g.
Eftersom de inte har koll på alla komponenter i energibalansekvationen och kroppens metabolism så fär de inte sin föreklade version av energibalans ekvationen att gå ihop. Deras egna massa baserade ekvation går naturligtvis ihop, men bortser alltå från vissa saker.

Blir tydligt bla i detta stycket där de visar att de inte har full koll på proteinmetabolismen och hur man räknar ut energiinnehållet i protein.

In accordance to the EBT, body weight stability requires that the average daily absorbed nutrients mass equals the average daily oxidized nutrients mass since if not, weight is increasing (absorbed mass > oxidized mass) or decreasing (absorbed mass < oxidized mass). As implied in system (17) such equilibrium only happens when the mean absorbed mass of each macronutrient (Mp abs) equals its respective mean oxidized mass (Mp ox) since

Yet, if Mp abs = Mp ox, is true then, in general, all absorbed dietary protein is only utilized for EE; and thus, over time, total body protein persistently decreases because the EE-independent protein loss is not being compensated by dietary intake. EE-independent protein loss occurs in feces (e.g., excretion of mucin, an indigestible protein secreted by the intestinal mucosa [27]), in sweat (e.g., amino acids may be excreted during physical exertion [28]), in urine (e.g., urinary excretion of glycine in creatinine [29] and C-peptide [30], a 31 amino acid polypeptide generated from insulin secretion) and during renewal of skin, hair and nails (e.g., shedding of dead cells filled with keratin [31, 32, 33]). As a consequence, we run into a contradiction since body weight is simultaneously stable (true absorbed-oxidation identities imply mass balance) and decreasing (body protein is continuously diminishing). The constitutive processes of gluconeogenesis [34] and de novo lipogenesis [35] plus the fact that absorbed amino acids can exit the body without serving as EE fuel renders absorbed-oxidation identities impossible (Figure 6). Hence, energy balance is unattainable at weight stability.

Hoppas någon tar sig besväret att motbevisa deras tes.

2020-12-02, 08:10
Jag hoppas de inte fått ekonomiskt stöd för denna artikel.