
Visa fullständig version : RCT: Protein!

2020-11-20, 20:01
High-protein diets and total diet replacements are becoming increasingly popular for weight loss; however, further research is needed to elucidate their impact on the mechanisms involved in weight regulation.

The aim of this inpatient metabolic balance study was to compare the impact of a high-protein total diet replacement (HP-TDR) versus a control diet (CON) on select components of energy metabolism in healthy adults of both sexes.

The acute intervention was a randomized, controlled, crossover design with participants allocated to 2 isocaloric arms: 1) HP-TDR: 35% carbohydrate, 40% protein, and 25% fat achieved through a nutritional supplement; 2) CON: 55% carbohydrate, 15% protein, and 30% fat. Participants received the prescribed diets for 32 h while inside a whole-body calorimetry unit (WBCU). The first dietary intervention randomly offered in the WBCU was designed to maintain energy balance and the second matched what was offered during the first stay. Energy expenditure, macronutrient oxidation rates and balances, and metabolic blood markers were assessed. Body composition was measured at baseline using DXA.

Forty-three healthy, normal-weight adults (19 females and 24 males) were included. Compared with the CON diet, the HP-TDR produced higher total energy expenditure [(EE) 81 ± 82 kcal/d, P <0.001], protein and fat oxidation rates (38 ± 34 g/d, P <0.001; 8 ± 20 g/d, P = 0.013, respectively), and a lower carbohydrate oxidation rate (–38 ± 43 g/d, P <0.001). Moreover, a HP-TDR led to decreased energy (–112 ± 85 kcal/d; P <0.001), fat (–22 ± 20 g/d; P <0.001), and carbohydrate balances (–69 ± 44 g/d; P <0.001), and increased protein balance (90 ± 32 g/d; P <0.001).

Our primary findings were that a HP-TDR led to higher total EE, increased fat oxidation, and negative fat balance. These results suggest that a HP-TDR may promote fat loss compared with a conventional isocaloric diet. These trials were registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02811276 and NCT03565510.

Länk https://watermark.silverchair.com/nqaa283.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3 ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAArgwggK0BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKlMI ICoQIBADCCApoGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM Shvgqtcb_oG-TUuDAgEQgIICay8_YjlkGByeCjqt0Zi6L9IL1FLpeV13WmWUql 2oRyKaEhmG7FaYSYdCEpa2TqAt8dZSHGVlhNbmNhiBVouiNhjs 2H8Z189wCcGZwxzEofZWwfXTe6Sln5QVUd5IhNNjJZ1RHeXnuU iTp2BHnAOXN6aDss7oX2C0BRqDNaoXxkko5wBQxEjlxJg6Wi7i u4npS2g03nkXcyw16UnAU2Z8_KwylgyZ7IEv8boLp0trsoxF6O 9q7N4T1Wi-RhfRKsovb5_dz4mfQt6Oaq5738pe4VNah3_9Otxn9wGfw12uM9 hveegriTrUTqf_cS-NdNA6SqxH7ULOio0jm-Oyh1dsPKQBCVxRD-FoA3nIkXH83pfihFUDBYuGRiw321CjLN5IAHNTmKrViwzrmvo1 _NN9Sq9TDpwnhKEv9WAJ4ssY2ju9Mt8EmmVUV6L-Gx7Xft6dLE-r_4mgA0kopkKvU2EFFoFKdCR-O3N4h5ICXZtACKKHp6-XRkaIM56kfYznb1EzU2FXURey754A9vpE4t1Jgbtw6dxvnHL8Z tOp_0TW-IPIT0VVokAbddGcAtHCI_EnQOGMj28ByvEUyFg82KzZPfQYpHn pKkEh05Kxeq068S7fUEVfUUX6sZ5DCcW8f8lf2UtPj7qvFWvkK 0aB17lM6KyhjfA_OMNTVK2ZfTno_sMYncSvKzsr2m6cu8TECyX ddtlPHOLZGXnrN3lsv5MmGEDRPlQvXmeLr1U-9oE6udU5jG0rqQo8B3aempnGfckPxk_SlEyj74cQ9RVCRawaxj 56ZS3BMxGNl93ISplzJWlDrWzP67a8_Gqf4NM

2020-11-20, 20:12
Edit* Länk: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ajcn/nqaa283/5986961#.X7WSyQ_yLzI.twitter