
Visa fullständig version : Inga anaeroba prestationsförsämringar av akut sömnbrist

King Grub
2018-05-30, 08:50
Och koffein gör ingen skillnad.


Athletes involved in team sports may be subject to varying degrees of sleep deprivation either before or after training and competition. Despite the belief among athletes and coaches of the importance of adequate sleep for ensuing performance, the effect of sleep loss on team-sport anaerobic performance remains unclear. There is conflicting evidence in the scientific literature as to the impact of acute sleep deprivation and caffeine supplementation on anaerobic performance indices. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of 24 hours of acute sleep deprivation on anaerobic performance and the effect of caffeine supplementation on anaerobic performance in the sleep deprived state.


11 club level games players (n=11, 25±4 yr, 178±7.5 cm, 80.2±10.4 kg, 15.1±5.6% body fat) participated in a repeated measures double-blinded placebo control trial. Following familiarisation, each participant returned for testing on three separate occasions. One of the testing sessions took place following a night of normal sleep and the other two sessions took place following 24 hours of sleep deprivation with supplementation of either placebo or 6 mg.kg- 1 of caffeine. During each testing session participants performed the vertical jump height, 20-m straight sprint, Illinois speed agility test and 5-m shuttle run.


No significant differences were detected comparing non sleep deprived and sleep deprived interventions in any of the assessed outcome measures. There were also no significant differences observed in any of the outcome measures when comparing caffeine and placebo data in the sleep deprived state.


In this cohort of athletes, a 24-h period of acute sleep deprivation did not have any significant impact on anaerobic performance. Caffeine also did not have any effect of on anaerobic performance in the sleep-deprived state.

Sleep Sci. 2018 Jan-Feb;11(1):2-7. Effects of acute sleep deprivation and caffeine supplementation on anaerobic performance.

Ett Orm
2018-05-30, 11:00
Koffein förbättrade alltså inte nått som inte blev försämrat?*jorgen*

King Grub
2018-05-30, 11:06
Utan sömnbrist brukar man se en förbättring. Den kanske uteblir om man tar det under påverkan av sömnbrist.

Koffeinet sviker en alltså när det känns som om man behöver det som mest.

Ett Orm
2018-05-30, 15:07
Ahh, danke!

2018-05-30, 17:13
24 timmar test-tid känns lite lite. Det skulle ha varit mer intressant att se resultaten efter begränsad sömn i två-tre veckors tid.

Och sen skulle det såklart ha varit intressant att se hur länge man kan gå utan sömn innan det påverkar kroppen. 2-3 dagar brukar de flesta kunna klarar av, men efter 5 dagar brukar de flesta klappa ihop.