
Visa fullständig version : Stretching efter träning minskar träningsvärk och förbättrar återhämtning

King Grub
2018-03-13, 10:27
Effects of passive static stretching intensity on recovery from unaccustomed eccentric exercise of right knee extensors was investigated in 30 recreationally active males randomly allocated into three groups: high-intensity (70-80% maximum perceived stretch), low-intensity (30-40% maximum perceived stretch), and control. Both stretching groups performed 3 sets of passive static stretching exercises of 60s each for hamstrings, hip flexors, and quadriceps, over 3 consecutive days, post-unaccustomed eccentric exercise. Muscle function (eccentric and isometric peak torque) and blood biomarkers (CK and CRP) were measured before (baseline) and after (24, 48, and 72h) unaccustomed eccentric exercise. Perceived muscle soreness scores were collected immediately (time 0), and after 24, 48, and 72h post-exercise. Statistical time x condition interactions observed only for eccentric peak torque (p=.008). Magnitude-based inference analyses revealed low-intensity stretching had most likely, very likely, or likely beneficial effects on perceived muscle soreness (48-72h and 0-72h) and eccentric peak torque (baseline-24h and baseline-72h), compared with high-intensity stretching. Compared with control, low-intensity stretching had very likely or likely beneficial effects on perceived muscle soreness (0-24h and 0-72h), eccentric peak torque (baseline-48h and baseline-72h), and isometric peak torque (baseline-72h). High-intensity stretching had likely beneficial effects on eccentric peak torque (baseline-48h), but likely harmful effects eccentric peak torque (baseline-24h) and CK (baseline-48h and baseline-72h), compared with control. Therefore, low-intensity stretching is likely to result in small-to-moderate beneficial effects on perceived muscle soreness and recovery of muscle function post-unaccustomed eccentric exercise, but not markers of muscle damage and inflammation, compared with high-intensity or no stretching.

Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2018 Mar 12. The Effects of Different Passive Static Stretching Intensities on Recovery from Unaccustomed Eccentric Exercise - A Randomized Controlled Trial.

2018-03-13, 18:11
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2018 Mar 12. The Effects of Different Passive Static Stretching Intensities on Recovery from Unaccustomed Eccentric Exercise - A Randomized Controlled Trial.Intressant. Särskilt då många på senare år hävdar att det är alltifrån meningslöst till verkningslöst mot träningsvärk. Har alltid upplevt stretch som gynnsamt mot träningsvärk, särskilt efter lång löpning.

Mikael Mattsson är fysiolog och forskare på gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH. Han är van vid att slå hål på skrönor om stretching.
– Den vanligaste myten är att man blir av med träningsvärk, säger han.

2018-03-13, 18:58
Helvete. Har med "forskningen i ryggen" skitit rätt hårt i det här med stretching.
Ytterligare en jobbig grej man borde börja med.