
Visa fullständig version : Koffein och puls

2004-05-05, 10:36
Imorgon har jag hälsotest på jobbet.
Ska göra ett cykeltest och mäta syreupptagningsförmåga, puls och kondition.

Grejen är den att jag brukar bli väldigt slö och hängig på eftermiddagen pga min deff.

Tänkte ta lite koffein innan, bara så att jag bli lika alert som inför mina vanliga träningspass.
Men hur är det egentligen med koffein, ökar det pulsen i kroppen?

Kan det påverka mitt test negativt?

King Grub
2004-05-05, 10:45
Am J Hypertens. 2003 Nov;16(11 Pt 1):919-24.

Acute caffeine intake influences central more than peripheral blood pressure in young adults.

Waring WS, Goudsmit J, Marwick J, Webb DJ, Maxwell SR.

Clinical Pharmacology Unit and Research Centre, The University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, Scotland, United Kingdom.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to characterize the acute effects of caffeine on peripheral and central blood pressure (BP) in healthy individuals, using validated noninvasive techniques. METHODS: In a randomized double-blind study, 300 mg caffeine or matching placebo was administered orally to 20 healthy adults and hemodynamic responses were observed. Central BP and augmentation index (AIx) were determined by pulse wave analysis; cardiac index (CI) was estimated by transthoracic bioimpedance; and heart rate variability (HRV) given by power spectral analysis of pulse interval. Pressure amplification (peripheral to central pulse pressure ratio) and systemic vascular resistance index were also calculated. RESULTS: Caffeine administration increased central systolic and diastolic BP by 7 +/- 3 (P <.01) and 3 +/- 2 mm Hg (P <.05), respectively (mean +/- SEM) at 45 min, but had no effect on peripheral BP. Caffeine caused AIx to increase by 7 +/- 2 and 0 +/- 1%, respectively (P <.05), and pressure amplification to decrease by 1.0 +/- 0.1 v 0.2 +/- 0.2 (P <.001) placebo at 45 min. CONCLUSIONS: Acute caffeine intake significantly increases central BP and large artery waveform transmission and diminishes pressure amplification in healthy adults. Therefore, the effects of caffeine on BP may be significantly underestimated by measurement of BP at the brachial artery.

King Grub
2004-05-05, 10:46
Am J Cardiol. 1990 Apr 1;65(13):909-13.

Effects of caffeine on blood pressure response during exercise in normotensive healthy young men.

Sung BH, Lovallo WR, Pincomb GA, Wilson MF.

Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City.

The possible combined effects of caffeine and exercise on blood pressure (BP) regulation were examined in 34 healthy, normotensive (BP less than 135/85 mm Hg) young men (mean age 27 +/- 3 years) in a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover design. Each subject performed submaximal and symptom-limited maximal supine bicycle exercise 1 hour apart after ingestion of placebo or caffeine (3.3 mg/kg). Heart rate, BP, cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were compared for placebo and caffeine days. Postdrug baseline showed that caffeine increased systolic and diastolic BP and peripheral vascular resistance (p less than 0.001 for each) and decreased heart rate (p less than 0.01) but did not change stroke volume or cardiac output. BP and vascular resistance effects of caffeine remained during submaximal exercise resulting in an additive increase in BP while negative chronotropic effects of caffeine disappeared. At maximal exercise substantially more subjects (15 on caffeine vs 7 on placebo, p less than 0.02) had systolic BP greater than or equal to 230 mm Hg and/or greater than or equal to 100 mm Hg for diastolic BP. Plasma norepinephrine levels were not significantly different across days, but epinephrine was higher at maximal exercise and cortisol was increased post-drug and throughout maximal exercise on caffeine days. Data indicate that caffeine increases BP additively during submaximal exercise and may cause excessive BP responses at maximal exercise for some individuals. The pressor effects of caffeine appear to be due to increasing vascular resistance rather than cardiac output.

2004-05-05, 10:56
hmmm...nu är jag inte så vass på den här typen av engelska, men vad jag fattade det som så var koffein positivt i dessa sammanhang!

2004-05-05, 13:39
Fyll på rejält med kolhydrater idag, så är du fit for fight i morrn! En dags med mera mat gör inte nåt för deffen...

2004-05-05, 13:41
Originally posted by -GP-
Fyll på rejält med kolhydrater idag, så är du fit for fight i morrn! En dags med mera mat gör inte nåt för deffen...

Ska nog göra det! Det blir ingen cardio efter gympasset idag heller tror jag!

2004-05-05, 14:28
Koffeinet ger ökad hjärtfrekvensen ja. Det stimulerar till katekolaminutsöndring som bl.a. påverkar hjärtrytmen.

2004-05-05, 14:35
Originally posted by LunaSpice
Koffeinet ger ökad hjärtfrekvensen ja. Det stimulerar till katekolaminutsöndring som bl.a. påverkar hjärtrytmen.

Ok, så slutsatsen är att jag antagligen kommer att ha högre puls om jag käkar ett par koffeintabletter innan.
Då skippar jag nog det!

Tackar för svaren!

2004-05-08, 09:34
Hur gick det då? :)

2004-05-08, 10:50
Jodå, hade kanonvärden på testen utan koffein.
Dock klagade den Sk dietisten på min deff och min livsstil i övrig.

kolla http://www.kolozzeum.com/kolozzeum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23516&perpage=15&pagenumber=1
Så förstår du vad jag menar!