
Visa fullständig version : Aspartam och carcinogenes

King Grub
2018-01-19, 09:52
he current review assessed cancer studies of aspartame based on a quality appraisal using the Klimisch grading system. Nine studies having complete histopathology were included: three 2-year studies by Searle; three transgenic mice studies by the NTP; three lifetime studies by the Ramazzini Institute. A tenth study limited to brain tumors was not rated. None were determined as Klimisch Code 1 (reliable without restrictions). The Searle studies predated GLP standards but their methodology was comparable; transgenic mouse models are not validated, but are accepted as supporting data. These studies were rated Klimisch Code 2 (reliable with restrictions). The Ramazzini Institute used a lifetime model of their own design that has been questioned due to high rates of spontaneous tumors, issues with tumor type diagnosis and concerns about the impact of chronic infections. As many of these problems could be attributed to using animals that died or were terminated near end of life, along with the other problems noted, these studies were rated Klimisch Code 3 (not reliable). As the Klimisch Code 2 studies demonstrated a lack of carcinogenic potential, and as aspartame is hydrolyzed to common components and lacks genotoxic activity, a conclusion that aspartame is not carcinogenic is supported.

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2018 Jan 12.Systematic review and evaluation of aspartame carcinogenicity bioassays using quality criteria.


2018-01-19, 10:19