
Visa fullständig version : L-DOPA, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine

2002-04-11, 10:02
Hur pass effektivt är tillskott av L-dopa vid deff att det höjer produktionen av dopamine i hjärnan -> högre gh nivåer har jag nästan förstått men är det någon som har praktisk erfarenhet?

2002-04-11, 14:21
Rent L-dopa är ett läkemedel med mycket allvarliga biverkningar.Har på senare tid kommit kosttillskott med naturligt l-dopa från växtextrakt.Hur säkra/effektiva de är vet jag ej.

2002-04-11, 14:26
Jo det finns bönor som innehåler L-dopa naturligt och eftersom jag ändå borde äta mer grönsaker tänkte jag att jag lika gärna kunde vräka i mig av dom men vad kan man få för biverkningar och vid vilka koncentrationer jag trodde att det inte fanns några?

2002-04-11, 19:36
L-DOPA !!!!!!!!
Låt bli!!!!!
Det är en medicin som används för att behandla parkinson patienter. Biverkningarna är INGET att lek med. Vid parkinson ger L-DOPA ofrivillga muskelryckningar av allvarlig karaktär. Det var det dummaste jag någonsin hört att ta L-DOPA vid träning och på friska människor.
Tro mig här, låt bli !!!!

2002-04-11, 20:04
Den allvarligaste biverkningen är att du riskerar en allvarlig psykos schizofreni.

2002-04-11, 20:18
Det samma gäller för idiotideer utav typen banta/deffa med ecstasy/amfetamin/kokain (dessa höjer också dopaminnivåer).
"Allting kostar något, antingen i förskott eller i efterskott, oftast mer i efterskott.

2002-04-11, 21:52
Tjenare alla!
Intressant diskution.
Jag håller på att studera Macuna Pruriens
extrakt (L-Dopa liknande) för tillfället.

Ett företag i USA har denna produkt Pinnacle
som är ett väldigt stort företag.
Alpha Dopa heter denna produkt.
Har just idag fått in nya studier ifrån
Pinnacles företag som ni kan läsa om denna produkt.
Denna produkt är ett grymt fettförbrännings preparat o höjer GH nivån avsevärt.
L-Dopa är livsfarligt för en frisk människa.
Men även denna används flitigt av vissa byggare tillsammans med GH dock.
Men nu har denna produkt kommit o den ska vara grym, de på Pinnacle har tydligen studerat detta extrakt i 3 år nu.

Här har ni lite info jag fick på engelska då!!

Detailed Data about Alpha Dopa Growth Poppers provided by Bodyonics
What Is It?
Pinnacle Alpha Dopa is a plant based, human growth hormone (HGH) secretagogue designed to support protein synthesis, enhance lean body mass and body fat reduction.
Each bottle of Pinnacle Alpha Dopa Growth Poppers contain 120 poppers
Each 4 Poppers serving contains:
Macuna pruriens (Dopa Bean) 666.6 mg
Standardized to 15% L-Dopa
Alpha GPC (Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine) 100 mg
Bacopa Monniera Extract 50 mg
What Does It Do?
Pinnacle Alpha Dopa contains natural secretagogues which may support your body’s ability to stimulate the natural release of growth hormone. Increased HGH levels can be beneficial in stimulating muscle growth through amino acid sparing and promotion of amino acid transport into muscle cells as well as burning fat from fat cells.
Mucuna pruriens, commonly known as velvet bean, contains L-Dopa, a peptide that has been shown to promote HGH secretion.
Alpha GPC is a soy-derived substance that, through its interactions with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, also has been shown to promote HGH secretion.
Bacopa is an herb, which plays an indirect but supportive role in HGH secretion by helping to build new neurons (nerve/brain cells).
How Do I Take It?
Pop 2 Poppers into your mouth in the morning, 30 minutes to 1 hour before a meal, and in the evening 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime. Do not swallow them like capsules or chew them like gum. Bite down on them and break the Poppers into little pieces, swish them around in your mouth, under your tongue and particularly in the space between your cheek and gum allowing them to completely dissolve. For added benefits, stack Alpha Dopa Growth Poppers with Pinnacle Insulene and Pinnacle Androstat Poppers creating the ultimate anabolic stimulating combination.
KEY INGREDIENTS (4 Poppers provide)
Mucuna pruriens (Dopa Bean) 666.6 mg
Standardized 15% L-Dopa (L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine)
Alpha GPC (Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine) 100 mg
Bacopa Monniera Extract 50 mg
Standardized 20% Bacosides A&B
A plant based, human growth hormone (HGH) secretagogue formulated to support muscle growth and fat reduction.
1. Anyone who wants and HGH secretagogue.
2. 2. Anyone who wants to build muscle and reduce fat.
3. 3. Any bodybuilder/athlete already using androgen supplements and/or creatine supplements and/or protein to promote muscle growth.
4. Athletes who are avoiding androgen supplements (e.g. women), but still want to promote muscle growth.
Alpah Dopa provides Mucuna pruriens, Alpha-GPC, and Bacopa monniera, which collectively promote the secretion of HGH, which in turn support muscle growth and fat reduction. Mucuna is an herb that naturally contains L-Dopa, a peptide which has been shown to promote HGH secretion. Alpha-GPC is a soy-derived substance that, through its interactions with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, also has been shown to promote HGH secretion. Finally, Bacopa is an herb which plays an indirect but supportive role in HGH secretion by helping to build new neurons (nerve/brain cells).
Pop one or two “Poppers” into your mouth daily (in the morning, 30 minutes to one hour before a meal and in the evening 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime). Do not swallow them like capsules or chew them like gum. Bite down on them, swish the pieces around in your mouth, under your tongue and particularly in the space between your cheek and gum allowing them to completely dissolve.
· Alpha Dopa contains natural secretagogues which may support your body’s ability to release human growth hormone.
· Alpha Dopa contains Mucuna pruriens, Alpha-GPC, and Bacopa monniera, and is formulated to promote increases in muscle mass and decreased in fat in your body.
· Alpha Dopa use a lozenge delivery form called poppers. Poppers may provide you with superior absorption of the HGH secretegogues.
Ecdybol to promote muscle protein synthesis and athletic performance without androgens MethoxyTest to help promote testosterone levels without the use of androgen supplements Insulene to drive blood sugar into muscle cells and promote and anabolic effect. Simply put, Alpha Dopa is a human growth hormone (HGH secretagogue. A secretagogue is a substance which causes individuals to secrete increased levels a natural substance produced by their body; in this case the natural substance is HGH. The value of increasing HGH can be understood by examining this hormones functions, which include maintaining the immune system, stimulating muscle growth through amino acid sparing and promotion of amino acid transport into muscle cells, and burning fat form fat cells.1
So what substances are in Alpha Dopa, you may ask, that support the HGH secretagogue function? The answer is Mucuna pruriens, Alpha-GPC, and Bacopa monniera.
Mucuna pruriens
Mucuna pruriens, commonly known as velvet bean, has been used by Ayurvedic practioners for centuries in the management of Parkinson’s disease and nervous debility. It has also been used in formulations to control depression and improve mental alertness.2 Among other natural phytochemicals, Mucuna also contains L-Dopa (l-dihydroxyphenylalanine).3 It may be the L-Dopa content that provides much of Mucuna’s benefits. These benefits include the reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar levels in experimental models.4 Another primary benefit of L-Dopa, is that it is a very effective growth hormone secretagogue. This has been clearly demonstrated in both animal research.5 6 and some human research.7 In one particularly interesting study, L-Dopa was able to restore growth hormone pulses and elevate the average plasma growth hormone in old male rats to levels present in young male rats.8
Alpha GPC
To understand how Alpha-GPC works, you must first understand that HGH secretion is under complex neurotransmitter and hormonal control. For example, a hormone called growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) is released form the hypothalamus, which in turn stimulates HGH secretion from the pituitary. On the other hand, the hypothalamic hormone somatostatin inhibits HGH release. With aging, the imbalance between stimulatory (GHRH) and inhibitory (somatostatn) activities on HGH secretion leads to an enhanced somatostatin action and decreased GH release.
Part of the reason for this imbalance is a concurrent decrease in levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.9 As it turns out, acetylcholine neurotransmission has been shown to play an important role in the control of HGH secretion from the pituitary. Anticholinergic drugs (i.e., drugs that decrease acetylcholine activity) have been shown to diminish HGH response, while drugs able to increase acetylcholine transmission are able to potentiate the stimulatory effect of GHRH10 11 through a decrease of somatostatin release. Increasing GHRH, by decreasing somatostatin release in a novel approach to increasing HGH levels.
Enter Alpha-GPC. Alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC) is an acetylcholine precursor. Research has demonstrated that Alpha-GPC had on HGH secretion, GHRH was given to eight young and seven old human volunteers, with or without the addition of 1 gram of Alpha-GPC. The results were that Alpha-GPC successfully potentiated the stimulatory effect of GHRH on HGH secretion in both young and old subjects.13 The success of this study is stunning considering that Alpha-GPC is a natural, non-prescription substance, and yet was still capable of achieving these results.
In a follow-up study, Alpha-GPC was tested in 10 normal elderly subjects (aged 79.4 ± 1.7 years). The subjects were given GHRH with 2 grams of Alpha-GPC. The results demonstrated that when the 2 grams of Alpha-GPC was administered with GHRH, the HGH responses were significantly higher than those found after GHRH alone, but not significantly different from those seen in the elderly subjects who received 1 gram of Alpha-GPC. This suggests that a maximal potentiation of GHRH-induced GH responses could be achieved by the lower dose.14
The results of these two Alpha-GPC studies show that this natural substance has exciting potential to help promote HGH release in both young and old.
Bacopa monniera
The herb Bacopa plays any indirect but supportive role in Alpha Dopa in regard to HGH. Here’s how: As you read in the previous discussion on Alpha-GPC, neurotransmitters play an important role in the control of HGH secretion from the pituitary. The brain cells, or neurons, which release and receive neurotransmitters must be in good shape, and must function properly for this to take place. Research in India has shown that bacosides, the active components in Bacopa, help to repair damage neurons by adding “muscle” to kinase the protein in the synthesis of new neurons to replace the old ones.15 Reduced neuron activity is thus restored, which may ultimately support HGH function.

2002-04-12, 06:14
Aj då att bli schizofren låter ju inte så lockande men det var ju inte ren L-dopa jag hade tänkt sätta i mig utan så kallade velvet beans av sorten macuna pruriens finns mängder av andra sorter men den är vanligast i usa har fått för mig att hela växten även fröna innehåller nästan samma sak 5kg frön kostar ungefär 300kr. Blev lite avskräckt av alla komentarer men man äter av den här växten/extract på flera platser runt om i världen men jag får väl läsa på lite till.

Kommer 13:e att ta in extraktet från pinnacle?

[ 12 April 2002: Inlägget har ändrats av: frasse ]

2002-04-12, 06:16
Vad skall du använda det till ? Få mer egenproducerat tillväxthormon eller ?

2002-04-12, 06:21
Ja för att bättra på förbräningen, men jag tog upp frågan mest för att jag är intreserad av olika medicinal växter.

2002-04-12, 12:15
Tror att biverkningarna är relaterade till dosen l-dopa.Mycket mindre l-dopa i kosttillskott jämfört med Parkinsons medicinen.
Men tror även att det finns potential för biverkningar med mucuna pruriens-hittade minst en referens till toxisk psykos med mucuna.Har även för mig att dopamin är toxiskt för hjärnan(?).
Vissa verkar även använda mucuna som en hallucinogen(delar av växten innehåller DMT)

Frasse har du tänkt på b3/niacin som GH stimulator?
Fast frågan är hur effektivt den lilla mängden GH man lyckas frigöra har på kroppssammansättningen.De som använt syntetisk GH vet att GH inte är särskilt effektivt på kort sikt/utan steroider/insulin.

web page (http://http://)

web page (http://www4.infotrieve.com/newmedline/detail.asp?NameID=11085190&loggedusing=M&Session=&searchQ uery=niacin+growth+hormone&count=11)

web page (http://www4.infotrieve.com/newmedline/detail.asp?NameID=7564973%20&loggedusing=M&Session=&searc hQuery=niacin+growth+hormone&count=11)

[ 12 April 2002: Inlägget har ändrats av: INSANO-6 ]

2002-04-12, 12:20
Länkarna fungerade inte:

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess how selected physiological and performance responses are affected when the normal increase in plasma free fatty acid concentration during exercise is blunted by ingesting nicotinic acid. On four occasions, 10 subjects cycled at 68 +/- 1% VO2peak for 120 min followed by a timed 3.5-mile performance task. Every 15 min during exercise, subjects ingested 3.5 ml.kg LBM-1 of one of four beverages: 1) water placebo (WP), 2) WP + 280 mg nicotinic acid.l-1 (WP + NA), 3) 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage (CE), and 4) CE + NA. Ingestion of nicotinic acid (WP + NA and CE + NA) blunted the rise in FFA associated with WP and CE; in fact, NA ingestion effectively prevented FFA from rising above rest values. The low FFA levels with NA feeding were associated with a 3- to 6-fold increase in concentrations of human growth hormone throughout exercise. The mean performance time for CE (10.7 min) was significantly less than for WP (12.2 min) and WP + NA (12.8 min), but did not differ from CE + NA (11.4 min). The results indicate that blunting the normal rise in FFA alters the hormonal response to exercise and reduces the capacity to perform high-intensity exercise.

Abstract: Recent studies in adult volunteers have demonstrated that the free fatty acid reduction induced by acipimox, a nicotinic acid analog, stimulated GH secretion per se and enhanced in an additive manner the GH secretion elicited by such different stimuli as pyridostigmine, GHRH and GHRP-6. In order to evaluate whether acipimox administration stimulates GH secretion in prepubertal children, we administered a single oral dose of acipimox (100 mg for children weighing <30 kg and 200 mg for those >30 kg) to 14 healthy prepubertal children with a mean age of 8.2 +/- 1.9 years, a mean bone age of 6.2 +/- 3.0 years, growing along the 5-10th percentiles, and with normal thyroid function and IGF-I levels. Acipimox administration elicited a sustained increase in GH from a mean baseline level of 0.6 +/- 0.4 to 6.7 +/- 2.4 microg/l at the end of the test (p<0.05), with a mean GH peak of 10.5 +/- 3.5 microg/l. GH release was delayed so that peak GH levels were achieved 180 minutes after acipimox administration. In order to determine whether acipimox was capable of enhancing the GH secretion elicited by levodopa (L-Dopa), we administered either oral L-Dopa (250 mg for children weighing <30 kg and 500 mg for those >30 kg) or oral acipimox plus L-Dopa to the same children on different days. GH concentrations increased in a similar fashion following either of these tests (from a baseline level of 1.2 +/- 0.4 and 0.7 +/- 0.4 microg/l to 8.4 +/- 2.7 and 9.3 +/- 2.9 microg/l at the end of the test (p<0.001), with peak GH concentrations of 13.1 +/- 4.1 and 11.8 +/- 3.3 microg/l after L-Dopa or acipimox plus L-Dopa, respectively). Although the peak GH concentrations obtained after the combined administration of acipimox plus L-Dopa were similar to those obtained after either acipimox or L-Dopa administration, a larger number of our patients reached a GH cut-off point of >7 microg/l following combined therapy than with either stimulus alone (13/14 patients with combined therapy and 10/14 with acipimox alone). No side effects other than mild facial flushing were noted after acipimox administration. These results indicate that: 1) following the administration of a single oral dose of acipimox, significant GH secretion was elicited in healthy short prepubertal children; 2) the combined administration of acipimox plus L-Dopa did not, however, enhance the GH secretion of this group of children; 3) acipimox was well tolerated with minimal side effects; and 4) further studies in both GH sufficient and GH deficient children are necessary to evaluate acipimox's usefulness in assessing GH reserve.

2002-04-12, 14:20
Jag får nog lägga ner tankarna på velvet beans det verkade ju som en bra ide vid en första anblick. Jo jag ska öka niacin intaget till 200-400mg om dan mest för den temperatur höjande effekten det bör bränna 50kcal :D extra per dag löjligt lite men alla kalorier räknas om det höjer gh nivåerna också så är de ett plus.

2002-04-13, 03:26
Dopamin är väl ett naturligt ämne så ifall man ej höjer dosera så mycket?