
Visa fullständig version : Negativa konsekvenser av låg energitillgänglighet hos kroppbyggare

King Grub
2017-05-23, 08:25
Energy availability (EA) is a scientific concept describing how much energy is available for basic metabolic functions such as reproduction, immunity and skeletal homeostasis. Carefully controlled studies on women have shown pathological effects of EA<30kcal/kg fat free mass (FFM) and this state has been labeled low EA (LEA). Bodybuilding is a sport in which athletes compete to show muscular definition, symmetry and low body fat. The process of contest preparation in bodybuilding includes months of underfeeding, thus increasing the risk of LEA and its negative health consequences. Since no well-controlled studies have been conducted in natural male bodybuilders on effects of LEA, the aim of this review was to summarize what can be extrapolated from previous relevant research findings in which EA can be calculated. The reviewed literature indicates that a prolonged EA<25kcal/kgFFM results in muscle loss, hormonal imbalances, psychological problems, and negatively affects the cardiovascular system when approaching the lower limits of body fat (~4-5%) among males. Case-studies on natural male bodybuilders who prepare for contest show muscle loss (>40% of total weight loss) with EA<20kcal/kgFFM, and in the study with the lowest observed body fat (~4kg) major mood disturbance and hormonal imbalances co-occurred. Studies also underline the problem of body fat overshoot during refeeding after extremes of LEA among males. A more tempered approach (EA>25kcal/kgFFM) might result in less muscle loss among natural male bodybuilders who prepare for contest, but more research is needed.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017 May 22:1-31. Negative Consequences of Low Energy Availability in Natural Male Bodybuilding: A Review.

2017-05-24, 00:17
Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2017 May 22:1-31. Negative Consequences of Low Energy Availability in Natural Male Bodybuilding: A Review.

Du har väl under en rätt lång tid belyst den viktiga aspekten av att hålla en god energitillgång, speciellt när man vill bibehålla, leva och framförallt fungera som en normal människa när man ämnar att bibehålla en låg % kroppsfett?

Har du några tankar på "hur man gör"? Ibland kan jag se det som omöjligt då metabolismen är hamrad i botten, jag ser heller nästan aldrig någon prata om det.

Anders The Peak
2017-05-24, 05:39
Det innebär för en byggare på 80kg i bra form:
1700 kcal
750 = 187gr protein
425 = 47gr Fett
525 = 132gr Kolhydrater

2017-05-25, 11:49
Det innebär för en byggare på 80kg i bra form:
1700 kcal
750 = 187gr protein
425 = 47gr Fett
525 = 132gr Kolhydrater

Rätt lågt på fett där.

Jag har sett markant högre siffror, med främst större mängder kolhydrater, florera från bra källor(som jag tyvärr inte kan hitta, gaaah). Dessa har dock gällt kvinnor, som kanske lider av större negativa effekter än män vid låg energitillgång.