
Visa fullständig version : Effekt av lakrits på åderförfettning och blodtryck

King Grub
2017-05-22, 07:30

Ethanolic extract of licorice root has been shown to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation in atherosclerotic mice and in both hypercholesterolemic and normal lipidemic humans.


This study examined the effect of licorice-root extract on carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) in individuals with hypercholesterolemia.


Individuals with hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol ≥6.18 mmol/L [240 mg/dL]) and without significant stenosis were randomly allocated to two groups: an experimental group that consumed 0.2 g/day of ethanolic extract of licorice root for 12 months, and a control group that received a placebo.


Of 110 eligible participants, 94 (41–80 years old) completed the study. A significant CIMT decrease from 0.92±0.25 mm to 0.84±0.21 mm was observed in the experimental group compared with an increase from 0.85±0.17 mm to 0.88±0.19 mm in the control group. Mean plasma total cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol decreased, at the range baseline to 1 year, from 284±32 mg/dl to 262±25 mg/dl and from 183±8.5 mg/dl to 174±9.1 mg/dl, respectively, for the experimental group (p<0.001) and from 291±35 to 289±31 mg/dl and from 177.6±10.7 to 179.3±9.6 (p=0.08), respectively, for the control group. Mean high-density lipoprotein (HDL) did not change significantly in either group. In the experimental group, systolic blood pressure decreased from 138±12 mmHg to 125±13 mmHg after 1 year (p=0.01) and increased from 136±15 mmHg to 137±13 mmHg in the control group. Diastolic blood pressure decreased from 92±9 mmHg to 84±10 mmHg (p=0.01) in the experimental group and increased from 89±11 mmHg to 90±8 mmHg in the control group.


Following 1 year of licorice consumption, mean CIMT, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure were decreased. This suggests that licorice may attenuate the development of atherosclerosis and of related cardiovascular diseases.

Antiatherosclerotic effects of licorice extract supplementation on hypercholesterolemic patients: decreased CIMT, reduced plasma lipid levels, and decreased blood pressure. Food & Nutrition Research, Volume 60, 2016 - Issue 1.


2017-05-22, 09:45
Say what. Allt jag tidigare läst och trott har visat på direkta motsatsen, att laktrits snarare skulle höja blodtrycket. Hade trott att en godistillverkare stod bakom studien. Men "The authors have not received any funding or benefits from industry or elsewhere to conduct this study." tyder ju inte på det. Jag förblir dock skeptisk.

Edit: Dock så har jag aldrig reflekterat om blodtryckshöjningen jag tidigare läst om var kortsiktig eller långsiktig..

King Grub
2017-05-22, 10:47
Man har tagit bort allt glycyrrhizin.

Tree Fiddy
2017-05-22, 14:43
Fanns det inte studier som visade att lakrits sänkte testosteron eller höjde östrogen?

King Grub
2017-05-22, 14:43
Jo, och det finns studier som visar att lakrits höjer testosteronet.

2017-05-22, 14:53
Fanns det inte studier som visade att lakrits sänkte testosteron eller höjde östrogen?

Det finns studier som visar att lakrits höjer både testosteron och östrogen. Det diskuterades i denna tråd: http://www.kolozzeum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=228439

Tree Fiddy
2017-05-22, 18:49
En sak kan man konstatera: lakrits är gott och mer forskning behövs på ämnet.:d