
Visa fullständig version : Madcow och lite funderingar

2016-04-06, 09:52
Finns det någon Madcow app för iPhone som är bra?

Jag hittade en Excelmall på Styrkelabbets hemsida för Madcow, där är upplägget dock inte 5x5 rakt av på alla tre dagarna. På dag två är det bara 4 set knäböj, press och marklyft.
På dag tre finns både 3 reps respektive 8 reps med på knäböj, bänkpress och stångrodd.

Är detta något som Styrkelabbet har hittat på själva eller hur ser originalupplägget ut?

Till sist så undrar jag hur Stångroddarna ska utföras enligt Madcows, ska det vara Pendlay Row eller vanlig Stångrodd?

F Ultra
2016-04-06, 23:12
Det är original och inget som Styrkelabbet hittat på. Roddarna "ska" vara framåtlutade roddar men måste inte vara av en viss typ, blir ju inte så att programmet hänger på om dina roddar görs på ett visst sätt.

Men för att göra det ännu enklare så klistrar jag in Madcow2:s egen beskrivning av stångrodd:
Ok - think about how the body is meant to perform a rowing motion - like a rowboat or better yet a crew shell since this puppy is made for speed and setup most advantageously for each rower. They are pulling directly into themselves, meaning that they are perpendicular to the resistence (their torso for the most part is at 90 degrees to the plane of water which serves as the resistence). I will throw in the caveate that the torso is not stationary during the row and it is very much a full body pull but you do get the point. Your back's primary rowing power is directly back. This allows the lats to be most heavily activated throughout the range of motion.

Translating that motion into weights, the resistence for a weight is gravity which is on a vertical plane contrary to water's horizontal plane - both are the respective sources of resistence. Where the rower was upright at 90 degrees to the horizontal resistence, the weightlifter's resistence is now vertical - so 90 degrees to vertical means your back is horizontal to the floor.

So that's the essence of where the 90 degrees comes from.

Moving beyond that, rowing is a fairly fundemental motion and with significant weight it is hard to stay perfectly still and I'd venture a bit unnatural - you will find there are more dynamic methods of rowing with a barbell out there but this is the base (see the Johnsmith182 sticky at meso's training board linked here if you are curious - excellent read by the way - best 20 minutes you will spend: http://forum.mesomorphosis.com/showthread.php?t=12). So anyway, you tend to pull back a bit with heavy weight anyway and that is how rows should be done heavy and explosive. You should be accelerating that bar into your body. So someone starting at 90 degrees generally ends up cheating back just a bit and that's okay.

In addition, a lot of guys lack the flexability to keep their back flat and perform the exercise as they get near the 90 degree point. In that case you shoot for 90 degrees but you go to where your body is comfortable.

The reason why I stress it is because we have all seen the dochebags in the gym standing almost vertical and rowing through a minute range of motion. This is . It doesn't allow for proper activation of the lats since you aren't pulling in but up, the range of motion is drastically reduced, and on top of that you wind up looking like a moron so there's really nothing good to come of it.

As for starting the motion at 45 degrees, I can't say it's optimal unless you can't get any lower (in which case flexability work or core strengthening would be my suggestion depending on the issue causing this). If you start at 45 degrees and row hard, you'll find yourself above 45 degrees at peak contraction and possibly significantly. Your range of motion is cut, your lats aren't getting proper activation because you are no longer pulling in but pulling up and you will end up relying on other muscles to generate the momentum (and that necessitates further straightening of the back).

So anyway, it's a soft rule when I say 90 degrees. I am fairly flexible and I can get close but not a full 90 (you see this in the goodmorning too - everyone has a different range of motion). That said, the soft rule is meant to provide the necessary margin to correctly perform the exercise. There is a hard rule right behind it saying that you absolutely must come as close as you are able to the 90 degrees. Significant deviation compromises the exercise.

Huge reply but it's better to give someone the full explanation. Give it some thought and do some rowing in the gym the next time - performing the motion makes it crystal clear. Be sure to work on accelerating the rep. A rower accelerates the oar through the water working harder and harder throughout the range of the stroke. He doesn't stop pulling hard once he gets the oar moving. This is critical to rowing success in the gym but watch your rib cage on the light ones.

Old Nick
2016-04-07, 07:01
Finns det någon Madcow app för iPhone som är bra?

Ingen aning. Men jag vet att programmet finns med i Starting Strength-appen. Och den är folk nöjda med. Och jag misstänker att det finns med i Strongliftsappen också men jag är inte helt säker.

F Ultra
2016-04-07, 22:51
Bara för det testade jag och lade in Stronglifsappen för Android men den hade iaf enbart SL5x5 programmet och inte Madcow, dock vet jag inte hur det ser ut för iPhone men ser inte varför det skulle vara annorlunda där.

Själv kör jag i Jefit, där kan man ju skapa sina egna program enkelt och smidigt, enda nackdelen är att den inte håller ordning på progressionen, dvs man kan bara registrera vilka vikter som man kört då den inte räknar ut något åt dig (dvs du får ingen ny maxvikt för nästa måndag, och den räknar ju inte heller ut vad vikterna för de stegrande seten).

2016-04-08, 12:51
Pendlay Row borde funka!
Man kan mata in sina styrkestats på strengthstandards.co
Efter det kan man till vänster på sidan välja print generate program och du kommer få en mall där det står vilka vikter du ska köra med..

2016-04-08, 13:23
Strengthstandards.co verkar inte funka särskilt bra för kg? I alla fall inte att få fram programmen?

2016-04-08, 14:49
Strengthstandards.co verkar inte funka särskilt bra för kg? I alla fall inte att få fram programmen?

Funkar utmärkt för mig, glöm inte ändra till kg.

2016-04-08, 15:31
Funkar utmärkt för mig, glöm inte ändra till kg.
Jag har gjort det där jag knappar in mina max, men får ändå inte ut programmen i kg. Behöver jag slå in det igen nånstans eller vad missar jag?

2018-06-06, 15:24
En fundering gällande Madcow.

Om man inte klarar alla rep på ett set. Hur går man då vidare? Sänker man vikten nästa set? Eller går man vidare till nästa övning?

2018-06-06, 20:39
En fundering gällande Madcow.

Om man inte klarar alla rep på ett set. Hur går man då vidare? Sänker man vikten nästa set? Eller går man vidare till nästa övning?

Det är i princip bara fredagens topp-3or som det ska vara tal om att ens vara i närheten att missa. Resten ska i princip vara en rejäl bit från fail.

Så skulle det du beskriver hända får du ta dig en funderare om du inte har lite för hör arbetsvikt.

2018-06-08, 06:39
Det är i princip bara fredagens topp-3or som det ska vara tal om att ens vara i närheten att missa. Resten ska i princip vara en rejäl bit från fail.

Så skulle det du beskriver hända får du ta dig en funderare om du inte har lite för hör arbetsvikt.

Okej! Ska sänka vikterna lite. När man inte orkar, hoppar man över resterande reps för den övningen då?

F Ultra
2018-06-09, 00:47
Okej! Ska sänka vikterna lite. När man inte orkar, hoppar man över resterande reps för den övningen då?

Från hästens mun:

If you miss reps, keep the weight constant the next week and don't move it up until you get all 5x5. When you eventually stall on the majority of lifts, and you will, meaning something like several weeks of no progress in that you can't add reps or weight, you'll have to reset lower back several weeks and begin again. If it's just one lift that has you stuck, reset on that and work up again but don't restart the whole program. When restarting the whole program, a lot of times changing variables is also helpful here. I'm not going to cover that. Training is a blend of art and science, and knowing what parameters to change for a given lifter is more art. This is a cookie-cutter, it's meant to get you big and strong, and more importantly training correctly. The best programs are always tailored to a given trainee so being your own coach, you have to learn and seek out knowledge (generally not in bodybuilding sources as a rule and this will seldom do you wrong).


Although given the chart and what I've said elsewhere on this page it should be obvious, I will clarify the point that this is not a 9 week program (I think some people have downloaded only the spreadsheet rather than reading since I figured 9 weeks of calculations was enough to get the idea - not much I can do about that).. You continue until it stops working. If you are adding 2.5% a week to your big lifts and eating enough to move the scale consistently, there is nothing else you can do from a program perspective to encourage muscular weight gain. Ride the horse and if lifts gives you trouble, either cut some warm up volume or reset it back a few weeks. When the majority of the lifts are stalling, reset the whole program and build back up to PRs over 4 weeks. Maybe change some variables (i.e. use 3x10) and/or some assistance lifts (front squat on Wed, lockouts instead of overhead).