
Visa fullständig version : Muskelaktivering av olika typer av armhävningar

King Grub
2015-10-23, 07:25

  The push-up is a widely used exercise for upper limb strengthening that can be performed with many variants. A comprehensive analysis of muscle activation during the ascendant phase (AP) and descendant phase (DP) in different variants could be useful for trainers and rehabilitators.


  To obtain information on the effect of different push-up variants on the electromyography (EMG) of a large sample of upper limb muscles and to investigate the role of the trunk and abdomen muscles during the AP and DP.


  Cross-sectional study.


  University laboratory.


  Eight healthy, young volunteers without a history of upper extremity or spine injury.


  Participants performed a set of 10 repetitions for each push-up variant: standard, wide, narrow, forward (FP), and backward (BP). Surface EMG of 12 selected muscles and kinematics data were synchronously recorded to describe the AP and DP.


  Mean EMG activity of the following muscles was analyzed: serratus anterior, deltoideus anterior, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, triceps brachii caput longus, triceps brachii caput lateralis, obliquus externus abdominis, pectoralis major sternal head, pectoralis major clavicular head, trapezius transversalis, and biceps brachii.


  The triceps brachii and pectoralis major exhibited greater activation during the NP variant. The highest activation of abdomen and back muscles was recorded for the FP and BP variants. The DP demonstrated the least electrical activity across all muscles, with less marked differences for the abdominal and erector spinae muscles because of their role as stabilizers.


  Based on these findings, we suggest the NP variant to emphasize triceps and pectoralis activity and the BP variant for total upper body strength conditioning. The FP and BP variants should be implemented carefully in participants with low back pain because of the greater activation of abdominal and back muscles.

J Athl Train. 2015 Oct 21. Selective Activation of Shoulder, Trunk, and Arm Muscles: A Comparative Analysis of Different Push-Up Variants

2015-10-23, 07:32
Försöker förstå vilka typer av armhävningar vi pratar om:

Participants performed a set of 10 repetitions for each push-up variant: standard, wide, narrow, forward (FP), and backward (BP).

Axelbrett, bredare än axelbrett, smalare än axelbrett och ... forward / backward?

Vad är forward och backward i det här fallet?

2015-10-23, 07:50
Försöker förstå vilka typer av armhävningar vi pratar om:

Participants performed a set of 10 repetitions for each push-up variant: standard, wide, narrow, forward (FP), and backward (BP).

Axelbrett, bredare än axelbrett, smalare än axelbrett och ... forward / backward?

Vad är forward och backward i det här fallet?

Kanske något sånt här? U87gigSOgqs

Diomedea exulans
2015-10-23, 07:58
Försöker förstå vilka typer av armhävningar vi pratar om:

Participants performed a set of 10 repetitions for each push-up variant: standard, wide, narrow, forward (FP), and backward (BP).

Axelbrett, bredare än axelbrett, smalare än axelbrett och ... forward / backward?

Vad är forward och backward i det här fallet?

Standard är väl bredare än axelbrett?

2015-10-23, 19:27
In the last 2 variants, the hands remained at acromion width but 20 cm in front (forward push-up [FP]) of or 20 cm behind (backward push-up [BP]) the acromions.

2015-10-23, 21:51
In the last 2 variants, the hands remained at acromion width but 20 cm in front (forward push-up [FP]) of or 20 cm behind (backward push-up [BP]) the acromions.

Så vid "backward" har man alltså händerna ungefär som din avatars planche, dvs man skjuter fram axlarna framför händerna (och då rimligtvis gärna med fingrarna pekandes bakåt, eller utåt)?