
Visa fullständig version : Amingen & Carbogen

2004-04-12, 14:29
Är det någon som bestitter lite mer kunskaper om Aminogen och Carbogen som återfinns i en del amerikanska Gainers och proteinpulver? Har dessa ensymer någon effekt eller är de verkningslösa.

2004-04-12, 15:05
Några speciella kunskaper om Aminogen har jag inte men jag läste din länk.

Aminogen är ett enzym som startar nedbrytningen av protein till peptider, ett proteas.

Amerikanerna har ibland med olika proteaser typ pepsin för att marknadsföra sitt protein.
Enzymet ligger med i proteinpulvret och så fort som du häller på vatten startar enzymet nedbrytningen av proteinet.
Tänk på att varje proteas endast delar på vissa bestämda ställen på ett protein och det behövs alltså ett stort antal olika proteaser med för att det skall bli ett bra hydrolysat.

Behöver du det ?

Nej !

Vi har enzymer i magen som fixar proteinet ändå.
Du har ingen garanti på vad du får ut. Ju längre du låter pulvret svälla i vatten desto mer hinner enzymerna att dela proteinet, till en viss gräns. Nackdelen är att dessa peptider ofta får en kraftigt bitter smak.

Det är bättre att köpa ett färdigt hydrolydsat med deffinierad hydrolysat ifall du vill ha ett snabbare protein.

2004-04-12, 15:24
Man tackar för det svaret. Med andra ord är det precis som med många andra amerikanska företag. Det låter bättre än vad det i verkligheten är. Just i detta fall trodde jag dock att det eventuellt kunde vara något som kunde vara bra. Det används av en del av de största amerikanska märkena som ex Optimum m.fl.

King Grub
2008-07-26, 15:43
Dags för en rejäl bumpning!

Current research suggests that protein intake of 1.5 - 2.8 g/kg/day (3.5 times the current recommended daily allowance) is effective and safe for individuals trying to increase or maintain lean muscle mass. To achieve these levels of daily protein consumption, supplementing the diet with processed whey protein concentrate (WPC) in liquid form has become a popular choice for many people. Some products have a suggested serving size as high as 50g of protein. However, due to possible inhibition of endogenous digestive enzymes from over-processing and rapid small intestine transit time, the average amount of liquid WPC that is absorbed may be only 15g. The combined effect of these factors may contribute to incomplete digestion, thereby limiting the absorption rate of protein before it reaches the ceacum and is eliminated as waste. The purpose of this study was to determine if Aminogen(R), a patented blend of digestive proteases from Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae, would significantly increase the in-vivo absorption rate of processed WPC over control values. It also investigated if any increase would be sufficient to significantly alter nitrogen (N2) balance and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels over control values as further evidence of increased WPC absorption rate.

Two groups of healthy male subjects were assigned a specified balanced diet before and after each of two legs of the study. Subjects served as their own controls. In the first leg each control group (CG) was dosed with 50g of WPC following an overnight fast. Nine days later each test group (TG) was dosed following an overnight fast with 50g of WPC containing either 2.5g (A2.5) or 5g (A5) of Aminogen(R). Blood samples were collected during each leg at 0hr, 0.5hr, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 3.5hr and 4hr for amino acid (AA) and CRP analyses. The following 18 AAs were quantified: alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. Urine was collected for 24 hours from 0hr for total N2 analysis. Results are expressed as means + SEM. All significance and power testing on results was done at a level of alpha = 0.05. Area under the concentration time curve (AUC) was calculated using the trapezoidal rule. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA-1) was done between CGs, between TGs and between time points. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA-1-RM) was done to compare CGs and TGs. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA-2) was performed on total serum amino acid (TSAA) levels, urine N2 levels and CRP levels between each CG and TG.

After baseline subtraction the mean AUC was significantly (p< 0.05) greater in each TG compared the corresponding CG. Comparison of the mean AUC between each TG and each CG was not significantly different. Total serum amino acid (TSAA) levels were significantly greater in each TG compared the corresponding CG. They were also significantly different between each TG but not between each CG. All individual serum amino acid (ISAA) levels in TG-A2.5 except glycine, histidine, methionine and serine were significantly higher than in CG-A2.5 at 4hr. All ISAA levels in TG-A5 except methionine and serine were significantly higher than in CG-A5 at 4hr. The N2 balance was significantly higher in each TG compared to the corresponding CG, but not significantly different between each CG and between each TG. Significant differences in CRP levels are reported between each TG compared to the corresponding CG, but not significantly different between each TG and between each CG.

A patented blend of digestive proteases (Aminogen(R)) increased the absorption rate of processed WPC over controls, as measured by statistically significant increases in AUC, TSAA levels, ISAA levels and N2 balance. Significant decreases in CRP levels and fluxes in AA levels are also reported.

J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008 Jul 24;5(1):10. An open label study to determine the effects of an oral proteolytic enzyme system on whey protein concentrate metabolism in healthy males.


2008-07-26, 16:07
However, due to possible inhibition of endogenous digestive enzymes from over-processing and rapid small intestine transit time, the average amount of liquid WPC that is absorbed may be only 15g.

Intressant och oroväckande:(
Skulle ett vanligt vasslekoncentrat vara av usel kvalitet att vår matspjälkning inte rår på det ?

Eller är det så att vasslekoncentratet i studien innehöll onödigt mycket mjölksocker och brändes på rejält i pastören och sprejtorken att brunfärgningsreaktionerna tog fart och sänkte näringsvärdet onödigt mycket. Att rädda ett koncentrat med en tillsats av enzymer verkar omsträndigt.
Författaren verkar bara skriva WPC i artikeln.