
Visa fullständig version : Glycin och blodtryck

King Grub
2013-05-08, 17:34

Available data have indicated independent direct relations of dietary animal protein and meat to the blood pressure (BP) of individuals.


In this study, we aimed to assess whether BP is associated with the intake of dietary amino acids higher relatively in animal than in vegetable protein (alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glycine, histidine, lysine, methionine, and threonine).


The study was a cross-sectional epidemiologic study that involved 4680 persons aged 40–59 y from 17 random population samples in the People's Republic of China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. BP was measured 8 times at 4 visits; dietary data (83 nutrients and 18 amino acids) were from four 24-h dietary recalls and two 24-h urine collections.


Dietary glycine and alanine (the percentage of total protein intake) were considered singly related directly to BP; with these 2 amino acids together in regression models (from model 1, which was controlled for age, sex, and sample, to model 5, which was controlled for 16 possible confounders), glycine, but not alanine, was significantly related to BP. Estimated average BP differences associated with a 2-SD higher glycine intake (0.71 g/24 h) were 2.0–3.0-mm Hg systolic BP (z = 2.97–4.32) stronger in Western than in East Asian participants. In Westerners, meat was the main dietary source of glycine but not in East Asians (Chinese: grains/flour and rice/noodles; Japanese: fish/shellfish and rice/noodles).


Dietary glycine may have an independent adverse effect on BP, which possibly contributes to direct relations of animal protein and meat to BP.

Dietary glycine and blood pressure: the International Study on Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure. Am J Clin Nutr May 8, 2013.


2013-05-08, 18:13
Då kanske man borde sluta ta rent glycin innan sänggående. Eller menar "adverse effect on BP" att det sänkte blodtrycket?

2013-05-09, 10:25
Exevision: Nja, ett högt proteinintag har också positiva effekter på blodtryck.

Dessutom är det en korrelationsstudie. Så du ska nog avvakta lite före du kastar om ditt liv på individnivå.

2013-05-13, 08:04
Och med "positiva effekter" menar du ett lägre tryck?

Men hur som helst, studien visar att glycin höjer trycket?
Kan glycin göra det akut/tillfälligt?

2013-05-13, 09:07

Nej, den visar ett möjligt samband.

Anledningen att jag är skeptisk är att glycin snarare kan vara intressant för att sänka blodtryck:

Is glycine effective against elevated blood pressure? (review-artikel)


"...The use of glycine to lower high blood pressure could have a significant clinical impact in patients with the metabolic syndrome and with limited resources. On the other hand, more studies are needed to explore the beneficial effect of glycine in other models of hypertension and to investigate possible side-effects of treatment with glycine."

2013-05-13, 11:23
Aha, tack!