
Visa fullständig version : ALC och kortiso

2011-10-02, 18:01
Läste detta:
"Acetyl-L-carnitine acutely administered raises beta-endorphin and cortisol plasma levels in humans"


Inte för att jag hittar själva studien, men visst ska ALC sänka kortisol nivåerna?

2011-10-02, 19:12
Ingen aning, det har iaf påståtts det, men eftersom att det inte rekommenderas som insats mot stressymtom så är antagligen bevisen rangliga alternativt effekten negligerbar. Notera också att det där är referens till EN studie, från 1988.

2011-10-02, 19:32
rekommenderas som insats mot stressymtom

Jaså? Kan du förklara lite eller ge en källa på det?
Annars så har väll andra studier visat en kortisol sänkande effekt.

2011-10-02, 21:27
Vilka studier då?

2011-10-03, 00:39
Jaså? Kan du förklara lite eller ge en källa på det?
Annars så har väll andra studier visat en kortisol sänkande effekt.

Jag har aldrig hört talas om att det används av någon yrkesgrupp som arbetar med stress eller stressrelaterade åkommor. Eftersom att stress är ett jätteproblem så borde en signifikant effekt av ALC ha tagits upp i t.ex. läkartidningen som då och då kör reviews av diverse behandlingsmetoder (om inte av populärvetenskaplig litteratur eller ens aftonbladet). Jag antar att den samlade evidensen helt enkelt inte är så stor eller stark, men jag kan så klart ha missat något.

Jag har aldrig läst några studier ang. en eventuell kortisolsänkande effekt, det enda jag har hört är väl det tillverkare och återförsäljare försöker sälja ALC på.

2011-10-03, 06:06
Vilka studier då?

Denna kanske?
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) is a drug currently under investigation for Alzheimer disease (AD) therapy. ALCAR seems to exert a number of central nervous system (CNS)-related effects, even though a clear pharmacological action that could explain clinical results in AD has not been identified yet. The aim of this study was to determine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma biological correlates of ALCAR effects in AD after a short-term, high-dose, intravenous, open treatment. Results show that ALCAR CSF levels achieved under treatment were significantly higher than the ones at baseline, reflecting a good penetration through the blood-brain barrier and thus a direct CNS challenge. ALCAR treatment produced no apparent change on CSF classic neurotransmitters and their metabolite levels (homovanillic acid, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, MHPG, dopamine, choline). Among CSF peptides, while corticotropin-releasing hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone remained unchanged, beta-endorphins significantly decreased after treatment; plasma cortisol levels matched this reduction. Since both CSF beta-endorphins and plasma cortisol decreased, one possible explanation is that ALCAR reduced the AD-dependent hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis hyperactivity. At present, no clear explanation can be proposed for the specific mechanism of this action.

Vet dock inte om den är överförbar på friska med stressade personer.

Har ingen tillgång till studien jag skrev om i post #1?

2011-10-03, 06:14
Verkar som om ALC ökar kortisol nivåerna för personar med CFS, alltså folk som redan har för låga nivåer av det.


Another potential application of ALC involving immunomodulation is in
the management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Low serum levels of ALC
have been observed in many CFS patients. The clinical presentation of marked
fatigue correlates with periods of low serum ALC while periods of recovery
are characterized by higher levels of ALC. 15 Further implications for
ALC treatment of CFS patients are findings that plasma levels of ß-endorphin
and cortisol are raised in humans given an I.V. bolus of ALC.16 As abnormal
cortisol levels have been observed in some patients with CFS, and the myalgic
symptoms in this condition are well known, ALC administration might be
particularly helpful in normalizing HPA perturbations via feedback mechanisms
and decreasing myalgic pain via peripheral neuron response to ß-endorphin.17

Men, även detta:
The effects of ALC on cortisol levels have been varied. In one 40-day
study of depressed elderly adults, significant normalization of elevated
cortisol levels and improved scores on mood assessments resulted from ALC
administration (0.5g/qid p.o.). In 43% of the patients, the treatment was
so successful that they were determined to be in clinical remission.25
This supports an earlier study of 24 depressed adults treated over a 2-month
period where the depressive symptoms improved to a high degree of significance,
especially in the group with the most severe clinical presentation.26 However,
in the study by Martignoni, with non-depressed healthy male volunteers,
the intravenous administration of ALC raised cortisol levels along with
ß-endorphin. It appears that ALC may have an amphoteric effect on
cortisol levels, raising or lowering levels according to HPA feedback mechanisms.

Så är man inte i någon depression så ska man kanske avstå?
Om man är övertränad då?

2011-10-03, 06:26
En massa fakta om ALC:

Bland annat:
Antidepressant Effects of ALCAR

In European clinical trials, ALCAR has been shown to have significant antidepressant activity in geriatric depressed subjects with minimal or no side effects (Villardita et al., 1983; Tempesta et al., 1987; Nasca et al., 1989; Bella et al., 1990; Fulgente et al., 1990; Garzya et al., 1990; Gecele et al., 1991). Villardita et al. (1983) reported a double-blind ALCAR/placebo study of 28 subjects (18 males, 10 females; 72.3∀7.3 years). Sixteen subjects were treated with ALCAR (1.5 gm/day; baseline HDRS=26.3∀3.3) and 12 patients were treated with placebo (baseline HDRS=26.6∀3.2) for 40 days. By day 40, the ALCAR treated subjects showed significant improvement (p<0.001) in the Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale (HDRS) but the placebo treated subjects did not. There were no side effects to ALCAR. Tempesta et al. (1987) in an open label, cross over study of 24 subjects over the age of 70 years, all of whom were nursing home residents, reported ALCAR (2 gm/day) to be highly effective in reducing HDRS scores, especially in subjects with more severe clinical symptoms. Again there were no reported ALCAR side effects. In a simple blind ALCAR/placebo study of 20 subjects (10 ALCAR treated subjects; 62.5∀5.7 years, 8 males, 2 females, baseline HDRS=44.9∀3.1 and 10 placebo treated subjects; 62.5∀5.3 years, 8 males, 2 females, baseline HDRS=43.9∀2.8), Nasca et al. (1989) demonstrated a significant improvement in the HDRS scores of ALCAR treated subjects at day 40 of treatment (p<0.001). There was no improvement in the placebo treated group. Similar significant beneficial effects of ALCAR on the HDRS were observed in randomized, double-blind, ALCAR/placebo studies of Garzya et al. (1990) (28 subjects; ages 70-80 years; ALCAR 1.5 gm/day), Fulgente et al. (1990) [60 subjects; 70-80 years; ALCAR 3.0 gm/day; baseline HDRS (ALCAR=25; placebo=23); day 60 HDRS (ALCAR=12; placebo=22); p # 0.0001], and Bella et al. (1990) [60 subjects, 60-80 years, ALCAR 3.0 gm/day; baseline HDRS (ALCAR=22; placebo=21); day 60 HDRS (ALCAR=11; placebo=20); p # 0.0001]. ALCAR was well tolerated in these studies even at the higher dosages. A double-blind, ALCAR/placebo study by Gecele et al. (1991) (30 subjects, 66-79 years, ALCAR 2 gm/day) not only showed a significant improvement in the HDRS of ALCAR treated subjects (p<0.001) but a significant reduction in both mean cortisol levels (p<0.001) as well as 12 am (p<0.001) and 4 pm (p<0.01) cortisol levels.

2011-10-03, 18:40
Känns lite som zink-testosteron-hypen efter att ha skumläst de 2 första studierna.