
Visa fullständig version : Makronutrientkomposition och genuttryck för olika sjukdomsutveckling

Eddie Vedder
2011-09-14, 16:45
Av en slump kom jag in på en norsk hemsida med en riktigt lång och välskriven artiklar om nypublicerad norsk kostforskning. De har kollat på makronutrientkomposition och energifördelning över dagen och hur det påverkar genuttryck och markörer för eventuell framtida sjukdomsutveckling.

Artikeln, med intervjuer av forskarna själva kan du läsa här (http://www.forskning.no/artikler/2011/september/298348). Litet utdrag:

Kostråd gir kronisk sykdom

Funnene slår beina under de fleste av diettene du har hørt skal berge deg. Kostholdsrådene florerer, og det varierer sterkt hvor vitenskapelig begrunnet de er.

Nå mener forskerne at de har avslørt sammenhengen mellom kosthold, fordøyelse og effekten på helse og immunforsvar. Altså ikke bare hva som gir deg den beste helsa, men også hvorfor det er slik.

– Både såkalt lavkarbo og høykarbo er galt, sier Johansen. – Men lavkarbo er nok nærmest det rette kostholdet. Vi bør ikke ha mer enn en tredel karbohydrater (opptil 40 kaloriprosent) i hver porsjon, ellers stimulerer vi genene til å sette i gang den aktiviteten som danner betennelser i kroppen.

Du vil ikke merke betennelsene som smerte eller sykdom, men kroppen opplever det som om du går med en kronisk lett influensalignende tilstand. Huden blir litt rødere, kroppen lagrer mer vann, føles varmere, og du er ikke på topp mentalt. Forskerne kaller det metabolsk inflammasjon.

Och här är studierna:

Abstract Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes are conditions characterized by low-grade systemic inflammation, strongly influenced by lifestyle, but the mechanisms that link these characteristics are poorly understood. Our first objective was to investigate if a normocaloric diet with a calorically balanced macronutrient composition influenced immunological gene expression. Findings regarding the suitability of blood as biological material in nutrigenomics and gene expression profiling have been inconclusive. Our second objective was to compare blood and adipose tissue sample quality in terms of adequacy for DNA-microarray analyses, and to determine tissue-specific gene expression patterns. Blood and adipose tissue samples were collected for gene expression profiling from three obese men before, during, and after a 28-day normocaloric diet intervention where each meal contained an approximately equal caloric load of macronutrients. Time series analyses of blood gene expression revealed a cluster of downregulated genes involved in immunological processes. Blood RNA quality and yield were satisfactory, and DNA-microarray analysis reproducibility was similar in blood and adipose tissue. Gene expression correlation between blood and adipose tissue varied according to gene function, and was especially low for genes involved in immunological and metabolic processes. This suggests that diet composition is of importance in inflammatory processes in blood cells. The findings also suggest that a systems biology approach, in which tissues are studied in parallel, should be employed to fully understand the impact of dietary challenges on the human body


Balanced Caloric Macronutrient Composition Downregulates Immunological Gene Expression in Human Blood Cells-Adipose Tissue Diverges. OMICS. 2011 Jun 16. [Epub ahead of print]

Increasing evidence suggests that fatty acid desaturases, rate-limiting enzymes in unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis, are important factors in the pathogenesis of lipid-induced insulin resistance. The conversion of dihomogamma linolenic acid (DGLA) into arachidonic acid (AA) in human plasma phospholipids has been shown to be regulated by insulin, suggesting a role for insulin in fatty acid desaturase 1 regulation. However insulin's role in monocyte inflammation associated with obesity and lifestyle disease development is uncertain. We therefore investigated if insulin is able to induce expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD, Δ9 desaturase), fatty acid desaturase 1 (FADS1, Δ5 desaturase), and fatty acid desaturase 2 (FADS2, Δ6 desaturase), as well as the sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1-c (SREBP-1c) in monocytes. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate that THP-1 monocytes are insulin-responsive in inducing expression of SCD, FADS1, and FADS2 in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Understanding secondary consequences of postprandial hyperinsulinemia may open up new strategies for prevention and/or treatment of obesity-related metabolic complications.


Insulin induces fatty acid desaturase expression in human monocytes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2011 Jul;71(4):330-9.

2011-09-15, 15:18
Intressant. Låter som isodieten

2011-09-15, 16:56
Eddie Vedder,

Vad tror du om 65 % fett, 20 % kolhydrater och 15-20 % protein. Inga spannmål utan endast kolhydrater från säker stärkelse.

2011-09-17, 13:32
Eddie Vedder,

Vad tror du om 65 % fett, 20 % kolhydrater och 15-20 % protein. Inga spannmål utan endast kolhydrater från säker stärkelse.

Om du läste det som Eddie Vedder postade så skulle du se att forskarna ansåg low-carb vara bättre men inte taget till sin extrem. Du ligger hyffsat till, kanske skulle du öka proteinet en aning och sänka fett dock. Undvik fleromättade fetter i hög utsträckning