
Visa fullständig version : MPS och MPB efter intag av kolydrat + protein eller enbart protein

Eddie Vedder
2011-06-22, 11:23
MPS betyder alltså muscle protein synthesis, muskelproteinsyntes, och MPB betyder muscle protein breakdown, muskelproteinnedbrytning. Men det fick inte plats i rubriken. ;)

Purpose: We tested the thesis that CHO and protein coingestion would augment muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and inhibit muscle protein breakdown (MPB) at rest and after resistance exercise.

Methods: Nine men (age = 23.0 ± 1.9 yr, body mass index = 24.2 ± 2.1 kg·m−2) performed two unilateral knee extension trials (four sets × 8-12 repetitions to failure) followed by consumption of 25 g of whey protein (PRO) or 25 g of whey protein plus 50 g of maltodextrin (PRO + CARB). Muscle biopsies and stable isotope methodology were used to measure MPS and MPB.

Results: The areas under the glucose and insulin curves were 17.5-fold (P < 0.05) and 5-fold (P < 0.05) greater, respectively, for PRO + CARB than for PRO. Exercise increased MPS and MPB (both P < 0.05), but there were no differences between PRO and PRO + CARB in the rested or exercised legs. Phosphorylation of Akt was greater in the PRO + CARB than in the PRO trial (P < 0.05); phosphorylations of Akt (P = 0.05) and acetyl coA carboxylase-β (P < 0.05) were greater after exercise than at rest. The concurrent ingestion of 50 g of CHO with 25 g of protein did not stimulate mixed MPS or inhibit MPB more than 25 g of protein alone either at rest or after resistance exercise.

Conclusions: Our data suggest that insulin is not additive or synergistic to rates of MPS or MPB when CHO is coingested with a dose of protein that maximally stimulates rates of MPS.

Carbohydrate Does Not Augment Exercise-Induced Protein Accretion versus Protein Alone. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2011;43(7):1154-1161

2011-06-22, 14:08
Visade inte någon annan studie att kolhydrater+protein var bättre än enbart protein efter träningen om det var en viss mängd (typ 100g+) kolhydrater?

2011-06-22, 14:26
Observera att den här studien avhandlar muskelproteinsyntes och inte hur väl muskeln förbereds inför nästa utmaning, d.v.s. det man skulle kunna kalla för återladdning.

Eddie Vedder
2011-06-22, 14:38
Observera att den här studien avhandlar muskelproteinsyntes och inte hur väl muskeln förbereds inför nästa utmaning, d.v.s. det man skulle kunna kalla för återladdning.

Vilket är synd. En kosthållning som ger samma totala mängd kolhydrat i proteingruppen skulle förmodligen visa sig exakt lika bra och ytterligare stärka tesen om hur onödigt det är med snabba kolhydrater i drinken direkt efter passet om man bara kan äta ordentligt.