
Visa fullständig version : Kolhydrat med hög el låg molekylvikt efter träning; påverkan på kommande prestation

King Grub
2010-10-27, 09:30
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of postexercise ingestion of different-molecular-weight glucose polymer solutions on subsequent high-intensity interval-running capacity. In a repeated-measures design, 6 men ran for 60 min in the morning at 70% VO2max. Immediately post- and at 1 and 2 hr postexercise, participants consumed a 15% low-molecular-weight (LMW) or high-molecular-weight (HMW) carbohydrate solution, at a rate of 1.2 g of carbohydrate/kg body mass, or an equivalent volume of flavored water (WAT). After recovery, participants performed repeated 1-min intervals at 90% VO2max interspersed with 1 min active recovery (walking) until volitional exhaustion. Throughout the 3-hr recovery period, plasma glucose concentrations were higher (p = .002) during the HMW and LMW conditions than with WAT (M 7.0 ± 0.8, 7.5 ± 1.0, and 5.6 ± 0.2 mmol/L, respectively), although there was no difference (p = .723) between HMW and LMW conditions. Exercise capacity was 13 (43 ± 10 min; 95% CI for differences: 8-18; p = .001) and 11 min (41 ± 9 min; 95% CI for differences; 2-18: p = .016) longer with HMW and LMW solutions, respectively, than with WAT (30 ± 9 min). There was no substantial difference (2 min; 95% CI for differences: -5 to 10; p = .709) in exercise capacity between LMW and HMW solutions. Although this magnitude of difference is most likely trivial in nature, the uncertainty allows for a possible small substantial enhancement of physiological significance, and further research is required to clarify the true nature of the effect.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2010 Oct;20(5):361-9. The effects of postexercise consumption of high-molecular-weight versus low-molecular-weight carbohydrate solutions on subsequent high-intensity interval-running capacity.

2010-10-27, 13:05
HMW = långa sockermolekyler (som maltodextrin)?
LMW = monosackarider (som dextros)?

2010-10-27, 17:34
Hmm...15 % LMW borde vara en hyperton dryck medan 15 % HMV blir hypoton.

Enligt alla teorier skulle en hypoton lösning absorberas snabbare och därmed ge snabbar återfyllnad av glykogenet.

Tydligen spelar det ingen roll vad man dricker efter träningen. Det är viktigast att fylla på med kolhydrater eftersom referensgruppen med vatten presterade sämre.

King Grub
2010-10-27, 17:36
På högre nivå kan den lilla skillnaden som finns säkert vara avgörande, dock- "Exercise capacity was 13 (43 ± 10 min; 95% CI for differences: 8-18; p = .001) and 11 min (41 ± 9 min; 95% CI for differences; 2-18: p = .016) longer with HMW and LMW solutions"; det är skillnad mellan guldmedalj och jumboplats.