
Visa fullständig version : Ingen effekt på proteinsyntes av NSAID-infusion efter träning

King Grub
2010-08-27, 12:57
Unaccustomed exercise leads to satellite cell proliferation and increased skeletal muscle protein turnover. Several growth factors and cytokines may be involved in the adaptive responses. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) negatively affect muscle regeneration and adaptation in animal models, and inhibit the exercise-induced satellite cell proliferation and protein synthesis in humans. However, the cellular mechanisms eliciting these responses remain unknown. Eight healthy male volunteers performed 200 maximal eccentric contractions with each leg. To block prostaglandin synthesis locally in the skeletal muscle, indomethacin (NSAID) was infused for 7.5 h via microdialysis catheters into m. vastus lateralis of one leg. Protein synthesis was determined by the incorporation of 1,2-13C2 leucine into muscle protein from 24 to 28 h post-exercise. Furthermore, mRNA expression of selected genes was measured in muscle biopsies (5 h and 8 days post-exercise) by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR. Myofibrillar and collagen protein synthesis were unaffected by the local NSAID infusion. Five hours post-exercise, the mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) was sixfold higher in the NSAID leg (P=0.016) compared with the unblocked leg. The expression of growth factors and matrix-related genes were unaffected by NSAID. Although NSAIDs inhibit the exercise-induced satellite cell proliferation, we observed only limited effects on gene expression, and on post-exercise protein synthesis.

Local NSAID infusion does not affect protein synthesis and gene expression in human muscle after eccentric exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010 Aug 24.


2010-08-27, 12:59
Det ger med andra ord inget om man skulle få för sig att träna när man går på alvedon?

King Grub
2010-08-27, 13:01
Tvärtom. "Ingen effekt". Men det här handlar om infusion.

Anders The Peak
2010-08-27, 17:27
Ingen effekt:Although NSAIDs inhibit the exercise-induced satellite cell proliferation
Även om det inte påverkar MPS så påverkas muskelbygge negativt....

2010-08-30, 18:48
Denna studie visar på samma sak, dock är den som ni ser inte gjord på unga friska individer som de flesta här på kolozzeum kan betraktas som. Men likväl visar även denna att just proteinsyntesen inte påverkas utav NSAID.

Dock lite osäker på PGF2alpha. Det är en prostaglandin vars halter troligtvis mäts för att få en siffra på den oxidativa stressen i de berörda muskelfibrerna. Och då dessa nivåer sjönk mha NSAID så antar jag att den oxidativa stressen minskade vid träning med NSAID = Negativt för muskeltillväxt.
Eller är jag helt ute och cyklar?


PURPOSE: To determine muscle and tendon protein fractional synthesis rates (FSR) at rest and after one-legged kicking exercise in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) receiving either placebo or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID).

METHODS: Twenty knee-OA patients (50-70 yrs) were enrolled. For each of the three days prior to the exercise-intervention, 9 patients were administered NSAID (1200 mg) and 11 placebo, in a double-blinded manner. Each patient performed 60 min of one-legged kicking at 55% of workload maximum while the contra-lateral leg remained rested. Twenty-four hours after exercise, we determined circulating concentrations of inflammatory parameters and measured FSR of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein fractions of vastus lateralis muscle and patellar tendon collagen protein by the direct-incorporation method using a flooding dose of 13C/12C-proline.

RESULTS: Circulating levels of PGF2a were lower in the NSAID-group compared to the placebo group (p<0.05). There was an overall significant effect of exercise on FSR in muscle myofibrillar (p=0.003) and sarcoplasmic protein (p=0.026), but not tendon collagen protein (p=0.52). No overall significant effect of drug was seen on either of the tissue protein fractions (p>0.05), or of interaction between drug and exercise on FSR in tendon collagen (p=0.21), muscle myofibrillar (p=0.68) or sarcoplasmic protein FSR (p=0.16).

CONCLUSION: In elderly patients with knee-OA, an acute bout of moderate exercise significantly increases FSR of muscle myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein, but not tendon collagen, 24 hrs after exercise. NSAID administration in knee-OA patients reduced the level of circulating PGF2alpha, but did not diminish the exercise-induced response of muscle contractile protein FSR. However, we cannot exclude, that a minor inhibition of muscle sarcoplasmic proteins may have been present with NSAID treatment. This study suggests that muscle hypertrophy following long-term training is not influenced by NSAID.

Exercise & NSAID: Effect on Muscle Protein Synthesis in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010 Jun 11


2010-08-30, 20:46
Jag læste en studie om att ben/skelett væxte mer av NSAID-intag efter træning, men hade motsatt effekt innan træning. Det ær ju en positiv effekt, med tanke på styrketræning.

Lyckas inte hitta den. Någon annan som læst?

2010-08-30, 20:59
Detta var också intravenöst, efter träningen. Hade det sett annorlunda ut om det var vanliga tabletter ett par timmar innan?

2010-08-30, 21:05
Hur tror ni det är med voltarensalva?

2010-08-30, 23:34
Detta var också intravenöst, efter träningen. Hade det sett annorlunda ut om det var vanliga tabletter ett par timmar innan?

Intressant tanke, läkemedel tas ju upp snabbt redan i magsäcken så troligtvis skiljer det sig inte så mycket mellan intravenös och oral tillförsel. NSAID-preparat är väl konstruerade att verka där de behövs, vet inte varför de hade intravenös tillförsel men troligtvis för att få en mer exakt verkande dos i blodet då upptaget i magsäcken påverkas utav en rad andra saker. Detta ger därmed tydligare resultat i studien.
Hade de intagit NSAID i pillerform hade troligtvis effekten varit hyfsat likvärdig, dock är det inget jag är säker på men det känns så iaf.

Skillnader hade det nog varit iaf, dock tror jag inte det hade varit några större skillnader men jag har inga konkreta belägg för mina antaganden. ;)