
Visa fullständig version : Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training...

2010-06-18, 08:57
Regardless of age or gender, resistance training or provision of adequate amounts of dietary protein (PRO) or essential amino acids (EAA) can increase muscle protein synthesis (MPS) in healthy adults. Combined PRO or EAA ingestion proximal to resistance training, however, can augment the post-exercise MPS response and has been shown to elicit a greater anabolic effect than exercise plus carbohydrate. Unfortunately, chronic/adaptive response data comparing the effects of different protein sources is limited. A growing body of evidence does, however, suggest that dairy PRO, and whey in particular may: 1) stimulate the greatest rise in MPS, 2) result in greater muscle cross-sectional area when combined with chronic resistance training, and 3) at least in younger individuals, enhance exercise recovery. Therefore, this review will focus on whey protein supplementation and its effects on skeletal muscle mass when combined with heavy resistance training.


Eddie Vedder
2010-06-18, 09:01
Kul att den är allmänt tillgänglig. :)

Jag skummade lite och ser att det handlar om vassletillskott mer än mjölk samt en del om EAA så jag är lite petig och flyttar tråden till tillskottsdelen. ;)

Anton Fräs
2010-06-18, 09:06

Most, but not all studies have shown that supplementation of whey alone or with carbohydrates
immediately after and possibly before and during resistance exercise can enhance the muscle
hypertrophy response to resistance training in healthy adults. Such a response seems to at least be
the case when comparing the effects of whey versus a non-energetic, or carbohydrate or soy
protein alternative. Some studies also suggest that whey may enhance recovery from heavy
exercise and possibly decrease muscle damage and soreness. This could, over time, enhance
training adaptations by way of increasing training volume or reducing the potential for overreaching/
over-training. However, much is yet to be understood about the effects of whey protein
on the physiological response to resistance training. Future research should look to assess the
effects of dose response and timing of protein ingestion, compare the effects of various
forms/fractions of whey as well as compare the effects of whey to other protein sources, and
assess the effects of whey protein in muscle atrophying diseases, to name a few

2010-06-18, 11:36
Jag skummade lite och ser att det handlar om vassletillskott mer än mjölk samt en del om EAA så jag är lite petig och flyttar tråden till tillskottsdelen. ;)
