
Visa fullständig version : Kinakål minskar östrogen, hur mycket?

2010-02-25, 17:11
Tjena, läst på flera ställen att s.k Cruciferous Vegetables som t.ex. kinakål, rädisor och broccoli minskar östrogennivåerna (innehåller bl.a indole-3-carbinol) vilket lär vara bra för träning och motverka fettansamling, men ingenstans står det hur mycket man skall ta. Någon som vet? Känns lite onödigt att käka ett kålhuvud per dag när det kanske räcker med ett blad.


edit: sorry fel fel forum kan någon flytta till kost & näring? :)

Joe Hardgainer
2010-02-25, 18:28
Carcinogenesis. 1991 Sep;12(9):1571-4.
Effects of dietary indole-3-carbinol on estradiol metabolism and spontaneous mammary tumors in mice.
Bradlow HL, Michnovicz J, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Institute for Hormone Research, New York, NY 10016.
Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a potent inducer of cytochrome P450 enzymes in many species, including humans. We therefore studied alterations in the cytochrome P450-dependent metabolism of estradiol in different strains of mice consuming I3C in semisynthetic powdered diets at doses ranging from 250 to 5000 p.p.m. (34-700 mg/kg/day) for different periods of time. In short-term metabolic studies (3 weeks), wet liver weight increased in SW and C3H/OuJ mice in a dose-responsive manner. Dietary I3C increased the cytochrome P450 content measured in hepatic microsomes, as well as the extent of estradiol 2-hydroxylation, up to 5-fold. In a long-term feeding experiment (8 months), female C3H/OuJ mice consumed synthetic diets containing I3C at 0, 500 or 2000 p.p.m. Mammary tumor incidence and multiplicity were significantly lower at both doses of I3C, and tumor latency was prolonged in the high-dose group. We conclude that I3C is an inducer of hepatic P450-dependent estrogen metabolism in mice, and that it is chemopreventive in the C3H/OuJ mouse mammary tumor model. This protective effect may be mediated in part by the increased 2-hydroxylation and consequent inactivation of endogenous estrogens.
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Brassica Vegetable Consumption Shifts Estrogen Metabolism in Healthy Postmenopausal Women1
Jay H. Fowke2, Christopher Longcope and James R. Hebert
+ Author Affiliations

Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine (J. H. F., J. R. H.), and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (C. L.), University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, Massachusetts 01655

Previous studies suggest that the estrogen metabolite 16α-hydroxyestrone acts as a breast tumor promoter. The alternative product of estrogen metabolism, 2-hydroxyestrone, does not exhibit estrogenic properties in breast tissue, and lower values of the ratio 2-hydroxyestrone:16α-hydroxyestrone (2:16) in urine may be an endocrine biomarker for greater breast cancer risk. Vegetables of the Brassica genus, such as broccoli, contain a phytochemical, which may shift estrogen metabolism and increase the 2:16 ratio. Adding 500 g/day of broccoli to a standard diet shifts 2:16 values upward in humans; however, it is unknown as to whether healthy women are able to consume a sufficient quantity of Brassica to affect breast cancer risk through this mechanism. In this study, 34 healthy postmenopausal women participated in an intensive intervention designed to facilitate the addition of Brassica to the daily diet. The diet was measured by repeated 24-h recall, and estrogen metabolites were measured by enzyme immunoassay in 24-h urine samples. In a crude analysis, there was a nonsignificant increase in the urinary 2:16 ratio associated with greater Brassica consumption. With adjustment for other dietary parameters, Brassica vegetable consumption was associated with a statistically significant increase in 2:16 values, such that for each 10-g/day increase in Brassica consumption, there was an increase in the 2:16 ratio of 0.08 (95% confidence interval, 0.02–0.15). To the extent that the 2:16 ratio, as measured in urine, is associated with breast cancer risk, future research should consider Brassica vegetable consumption as a potentially effective and acceptable dietary strategy to prevent breast cancer.

Något i den här stilen du har stött på??
Givetvis bör du inkludera dessa grönsaker i din kost, men jag ser ingen anledning till överdriven konsumtion. Tja hur mycket? Normal portion till maten ett par gånger i veckan? Låter det ligga öppet

2010-02-25, 19:10
Nja, mer som denna (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/10-tips-to-increase-natural-testosterone-production.html) och denna (http://www.raise-your-testosterone.com/foods-that-increase-testosterone.html).

Med normal portion menar du mängden man får med i en "normal" sallad eller att jag äter en portion med bara broccoli/sallad utöver maten någon gång i veckan? (vill bara vara säker) :thumbup:

Joe Hardgainer
2010-02-25, 19:58
Nja, mer som denna (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/10-tips-to-increase-natural-testosterone-production.html) och denna (http://www.raise-your-testosterone.com/foods-that-increase-testosterone.html).

Med normal portion menar du mängden man får med i en "normal" sallad eller att jag äter en portion med bara broccoli/sallad utöver maten någon gång i veckan? (vill bara vara säker) :thumbup:

Ok. Till den första artikeln säger jag bara LÅL!!!!! Den andra har typ liknande referenser som de jag nämnde. Undantag för undersökning på tjurar. Släng i dig en vitkålsallad till maten nån dag o broccoli en annan så ska du vara safe. Inga mirakel kommer nog att ske i alla fall. Vi talar nog om en ytterst marginell effekt här. Ett tips är ju att ha en färdigriven sallad i en stor bunke i kylen som du har för hela veckan.

2010-02-25, 21:09
tackar! :)