
Visa fullständig version : Negativ träning i flera set - studie

2009-12-12, 09:12
Impact of repeated bouts of eccentric exercise on sarcolemma disruption in human skeletal muscle.

Costa A, Orosz Z, Apor P, Csaba N, Siamilis S, Csende Z, Racz L, Tihanyi J.

Semmelweis University Department of Biomechanics, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Budapest Hungary.

In animal models, unaccustomed eccentric exercise (EE) has been widely related to muscle fiber membrane (sarcolemma) damage. On the contrary, studies in humans reported that sarcolemma was not susceptible to damage following a single bout of EE. We hypothesized that the single bout of EE used by those studies was not sufficient to induce sarcolemma damage, in humans. In this study we examined muscle biopsies from untrained males who either performed six sets of 15 reps of maximum voluntary eccentric contractions (n=9), for six consecutive days, or served as control-group (n=6). Blood and biopsy samples were obtained one week prior to exercise, immediately after bout 3, and 24h after the last training session. In addition to standard haematoxylin-eosin staining, all biopsies were stained immunohistochemically using antibodies specific for fibronectin and desmin antigens. In the exercise-group, no biopsies taken at pre-exercise or post-exercise level showed evidence of sarcolemma damage as stained by anti-fibronectin antibody in eight of nine subjects. Serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities increased significantly throughout the study despite the lack of sarcolemma damage.We suggest that in humans, repeated bouts of EE do not cause gross sarcolemma damage in the mid-belly of Vastus Lateralis.

1 Inte helt oväntat med tanke på att det var en frivillig belastning.
2 AJ!

2009-12-12, 12:10
6 set negativa 15 reppare 6 dagar i rad med totalt 13 hugg i låret. Designade dom den där studien enbart för att jävlas med försökspersonerna?

2009-12-12, 12:37
Designade dom den där studien enbart för att jävlas med försökspersonerna?

Jag tror att det var en stor faktor i upplägget. :D Jag tror iofs det "bara" var tre stick, ett vecka innan, ett efter pass tre och sen ett 24 h efter sista passet men det räcker gott och väl.

2009-12-12, 12:46
Det verkar stämma bättre. Min hjärna hade tryckt in ett extra h efter 3:an. Hade ändå behövt en rätt rejäl ersättning för att vara med i den. Tolkade jag det rätt så hittade de inga bevis på muskelskador trots tokhård träning. Bortsett från ett antal hål i låten då.