
Visa fullständig version : Styrketräning, med eller utan kolhydrat, och effekt på ghrelin och födointag

King Grub
2009-06-06, 09:30
The effects of resistance exercise with and without carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on hunger, postexercise food intake, and plasma ghrelin, an orexigenic gastric peptide, are poorly characterized. We examined the individual and combined effects of a resistance exercise bout and CHO consumption on plasma ghrelin and postexercise food intake. Twenty-one apparently healthy young male participants ([mean +/- SD] age = 20 +/- 1.8 years, body mass index = 24.8 +/- 3.3 kg/m(2)) completed in random order 3 treatment conditions: (1) ExCHO-80-minute resistance exercise bout while consuming CHO ( approximately 77 g CHO, 306 kcal); (2) ExPLA-identical exercise with a noncaloric placebo; and (3) NoExCHO-no-exercise trial of quiet sitting and CHO consumption. Blood samples were obtained before, during, and immediately postexercise, and 110 minutes after exercise. At 2 hours postexercise, they were provided a buffet of food from which they ate ad libitum. There was a significant time x treatment interaction for plasma ghrelin caused by a decline from pre- to postexercise in the 2 exercise conditions compared with an increase over time in the NoExCHO condition. At 110 minutes postexercise, ghrelin was 21% and 13% lower in ExCHO and ExPLA compared with NoExCHO (both Ps < .05). However, despite the lower ghrelin concentrations for the 2 exercise conditions, the subjective ratings of hunger were not lower for these conditions compared with the NoExCHO. There were no differences in absolute ad libitum energy intake from the buffet among the 3 conditions, but relative energy intake from the buffet accounting for the estimated cost of exercise was lowest among the 2 exercise conditions. We conclude that (1) weight lifting lowers plasma ghrelin concentrations during exercise and attenuates its rise during the postexercise period in young men and (2) the lower plasma ghrelin concentration is not associated with lower subjective feelings of hunger measured 100 minutes postexercise, but is associated with a lower relative food intake.

Metabolism. 2009 Jun 2. Effect of resistance exercise, with or without carbohydrate supplementation, on plasma ghrelin concentrations and postexercise hunger and food intake.

Eddie Vedder
2009-06-06, 11:45
Ghrelinkoncentrationen är intressant. Vad folk äter ad libitum under en buffé vid såna här tillfällen tror jag inte säger särskilt mycket. Oavsett hunger är det nog få som vill smälla i sig jättemängder mat bland okända människor. Så just den biten i såna här undersökningar tror jag inte säger särskilt mycket, jag tror helt enkelt alla försker äta "normalt" inför varandra i en sådan grupp.

Men i kombination med fysiologiska mätningar på aptitreglerande hormoner blir det ju mer värdefullt.

Det verkar i alla fall som just den här studien inte gjorde särskilt mycket för mättnaden att inta en stor kolhydratdrink jämfört med att inte dricka den. Det är ju något att tänka på för den som vill hålla sig mätt på ett lågt energiintag t.ex. Bättre ur just den synvinkeln att skippa de snabba kolhydraterna efter passet då.