
Visa fullständig version : Genernas påverkan på BMI som vuxen.

King Grub
2009-03-24, 09:32
The rise in body mass index (BMI) during adulthood increases the risk for metabolic disorders, functional limitations and disability in old age. This twin study examined prospectively whether genetic and environmental influences on women's BMI also account for mobility 29 years later.

DESIGN: The sample consisted of 103 monozygotic and 114 dizygotic pairs of twin sisters reared together. Main outcomes measures: BMI was initially evaluated in year the 1975, when the women were aged 42.6+/-3.4 years, and was followed-up in 1981, 1990, 2001 and 2004. Mobility was evaluated using the standardized 6-minute walking test in 2001, when the women were aged 68.6+/-3.2 years, and followed-up 3 years later. We investigated how genetic and environmental influences on adult BMI accounted for mobility in old age using a genetic latent growth modeling approach.

RESULTS: During the follow-up period, BMI increased by 17%. Midlife BMI was a significant predictor of mobility 29 years later. Genetic influences on BMI level and its rate-of-change accounted for 37% and 25% respectively, of the genetic influences on mobility later in life. The corresponding environmental influences on BMI level and its rate-of-change were 35% and 22%.

CONCLUSION: Genes predisposing to higher BMI across middle age increase the risk for poorer mobility in old age. Identifying those genes could lead to interventions targeted at preventing obesity and mobility loss later in life. However, modification of environmental factors, e.g. exercise and nutrition remain the most feasible ways of influencing BMI and mobility across the life span.

J Epidemiol Community Health. 2009 Mar 19. Genetic influences on adult BMI followed over 29 years and their effects on late life mobility: a study of twin sisters.

2009-03-24, 13:01
De två sista raderna verka vara av störst vikt. Är det orimligt att anta att någon med hög BMI i 40-årsåldern har ett förhållande till kost och motion som påverkat BMI till vad det är? Gör sedan individen ifråga ingenting åt det, vilket jag tror är en vanligare företeelse i äldre åldrar där det blir "OK" att inte vara på fysisk toppnivå längre, blir det ju knappast bättre när det höga BMI-värdet kombineras med pensionsålder, när kroppen normalt börjat "förfalla".