
Visa fullständig version : Effekt på fettoxidation och energiförbrukning med extra intag av kalcium viktnedgång.

Eddie Vedder
2008-07-02, 07:25
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of dietary calcium or dairy product intake on total energy expenditure (TEE), fat oxidation, and thermic effect of a meal (TEM) during a weight loss trial.

Methods and Procedures: The intervention included a prescribed 500-kcal deficit diet in a randomized placebo-controlled calcium or dairy product intervention employing twenty-four 18 to 31-year-old (22.2 3.1 years, mean s.d.) overweight women (75.5 9.6 kg). TEM and fat oxidation were measured using respiratory gas exchange after a meal challenge, and TEE was measured by doubly labeled water. Fat mass (FM) and lean mass (fat-free mass (FFM)) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Subjects were randomized into one of these three intervention groups: (i) placebo (<800 mg/day calcium intake); (ii) 900 mg/day calcium supplement; (iii) three servings of dairy products/day to achieve an additional 900 mg/day.

Results: There were no group effects observed in change in TEE; however, a group effect was observed for fat oxidation after adjusting for FFM (P = 0.02). The treatment effect was due to an increase in fat oxidation in the calcium-supplemented group of 1.5 0.6 g/h, P = 0.02. Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was positively correlated with TEM (R = 0.31, P = 0.004), and trended toward a correlation with fat oxidation (P = 0.06), independent of group assignment. Finally, the change in log parathyroid hormone (PTH) was positively correlated with the change in trunk FM (R = 0.27, P = 0.03).

Discussion: These results support that calcium intake increases fat oxidation, but does not change TEE and that adequate vitamin D status may enhance TEM and fat oxidation.


Calcium and Dairy Product Modulation of Lipid Utilization and Energy Expenditure. Obesity (2008) 16 7, 1566–1572.

Intressant att kalciumsupplementering gav mer positiva effekter än likvärdigt kalciumintag från mejeriprodukter i den här studien. Det tror jag inte att jag läst tidigare.

Oliak eventuella anlednigar till detta resonerar forskarna kring i studiens diskussionsdel som finns i länken (om man nu har tillgång till fullängdaren).

2008-07-02, 23:21
BACKGROUND: Previous results suggested that increased intake of dairy calcium is associated with reduced weight and fat mass. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether long-term increases in consumption of dairy calcium alter body weight and fat mass in young, healthy women. DESIGN: We used a randomized, 1-y intervention for dairy calcium. Subjects were 155 young (aged 18-30 y), healthy, normal-weight women with intake of dietary calcium < 800 mg/d and energy intake </= 2200 kcal/d. Women were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: 1) control: continue established dietary intake; 2) medium dairy: substitute dairy products to achieve intake of calcium of approximately 1000-1100 mg/d and maintain isocaloric intake; 3) high dairy: substitute dairy products to achieve intake of calcium of 1300-1400 mg/d and maintain isocaloric intake. The main outcome measures were 1-y changes in body weight (in kg) and fat mass (in kg). One hundred thirty-five women completed the trial. RESULTS: Mean intakes of calcium during the intervention were 742.4 +/- 321.5, 1026.4 +/- 311.3, and 1131.29 +/- 337.2 mg/d for the control, medium-dairy, and high-dairy groups, respectively (P < 0.0001). No significant differences were observed in the mean 1-y change in body weight between the control, medium-dairy, and high-dairy groups (0.8 +/- 2.8, 0.7 +/- 3.0, and 1.5 +/- 4.1 kg, respectively; P = 0.45). No significant differences were observed in the mean 1-y change in fat mass between the control, medium-dairy, and high-dairy groups (-0.5 +/- 2.5, 0.3 +/- 2.7, and 0.5 +/- 3.5 kg, respectively; P = 0.26). CONCLUSION: Increased intake of dairy products does not alter body weight or fat mass in young, healthy women over 1 y.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Apr;81(4):751-6

2008-07-02, 23:24
BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence from observational studies indicates that a high calcium intake may reduce body weight and body fat. However, few randomized trials have been conducted. OBJECTIVE: We examined whether calcium supplementation affects body weight and body fat in young girls and whether a relation exists between habitual calcium intake and body weight and body fat. DESIGN: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention study was conducted in 110 young girls. The subjects were randomly assigned to receive 500 mg Ca/d as calcium carbonate or placebo for 1 y. Two groups of girls were selected according to habitual calcium intake from a large group; one group consumed 1000-1304 mg/d (40th-60th percentile; n = 60) and the other group consumed <713 mg/d (<20th percentile; n = 50). Height, body weight, body fat, and calcium intake were measured at baseline and after 1 y. RESULTS: At baseline a significant negative correlation was observed between habitual dietary calcium intake and percentage of body fat (r = -0.242, P = 0.011). However, calcium supplementation had no effect on height, body weight, or percentage body fat. CONCLUSIONS: Habitual dietary calcium intake was inversely associated with body fat, but a low-dose calcium supplement had no effect on body weight, height, or body fat over 1 y in young girls. It is possible that the effect of calcium on body weight is only exerted if it is ingested as part of a meal, or the effect may be due to other ingredients in dairy products, and calcium may simply be a marker for a high dairy intake.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jan;83(1):18-23

2008-07-03, 00:09
Intressant studie med intressanta resultat.

Fråga till er insatta; hur relevanta tror ni att dessa slutsater äri vanliga livet? Kan de påverka formen på ett signifikant sätt eller är de mer av teoretiskt intresse?

Eddie Vedder
2008-07-03, 06:16
Fråga till er insatta; hur relevanta tror ni att dessa slutsater äri vanliga livet? Kan de påverka formen på ett signifikant sätt eller är de mer av teoretiskt intresse?

Jag skulle själv påstå att det åtminstone föreligger tillräckligt med vetenskaplig evidens för att låta så bra livsmedel som mjölkprodukter ingå i kosten under deff, och säkert även någon form av kalciumtillskott.

Dels finns ju många studier som pekar på gynnsam effekt på fettoxidation vid viknedgång, dessutom finns ju studier som visar att högt kalciumintag minskar risken för bendemineralisering vid energiunderskott.

Vidare är ju proteinkvalitén mycket bra samt att mjölkprodukter är allmänt näringstäta och hög näringstäthet är ju alltid en fördel när man har få kcal att spela med.

Så med alla dessa faktorer i åtanke kombinerat med att du definitivt inte blir ruinerad på köpet (mjölk/fil/yoghurt och mjölkproteinoulver är billigt och kalciumtillskott är sällan dyrt det heller) så finns säkert fog för att ta det till sig.

2008-07-03, 16:40
Kalciumbrustabletter finns billigt på Lidl!:thumbup: :thumbup:

2008-07-03, 19:24
Kalciumbrustabletter finns billigt på Lidl!:thumbup: :thumbup:

Aldrig sett tror jag. Vad går de på? Smakar det något? Har ju inte mkt att förlora på att testa för skojs skull :)

2008-07-04, 00:11
Jag skulle själv påstå att det åtminstone föreligger tillräckligt med vetenskaplig evidens för att låta så bra livsmedel som mjölkprodukter ingå i kosten under deff, och säkert även någon form av kalciumtillskott.

Dels finns ju många studier som pekar på gynnsam effekt på fettoxidation vid viknedgång, dessutom finns ju studier som visar att högt kalciumintag minskar risken för bendemineralisering vid energiunderskott.

Vidare är ju proteinkvalitén mycket bra samt att mjölkprodukter är allmänt näringstäta och hög näringstäthet är ju alltid en fördel när man har få kcal att spela med.

Så med alla dessa faktorer i åtanke kombinerat med att du definitivt inte blir ruinerad på köpet (mjölk/fil/yoghurt och mjölkproteinoulver är billigt och kalciumtillskott är sällan dyrt det heller) så finns säkert fog för att ta det till sig.

Tackar för informativt svar.

Min kost är mestadels vegetarisk (en hel del fisk men inte så mycket annat) och innehåller inte speciellt mycket mjölkprodukter. Anledningen bakom det är främst att de för det mesta helt enkelt inte faller mig i smaken.
Tar därför 2 x 500mg kalciumtabletter (med D-vitamin) per dag för att uppnå ett fulgott kalciumintag. Om detta tillskott också påverkar fettoxidationen är det ju en intressant insikt.

Att kalciumintaget har en koppling till minskat bendemineralisering vid energiunderskott känns ganska logiskt. Att intaget dock skulle vara kopplat till fettoxidation/ämnesomsättning var mer otippat.

Hur kommer sig detta egentligen?

2008-07-04, 00:35
Att kalciumintaget har en koppling till minskat bendemineralisering vid energiunderskott känns ganska logiskt. Att intaget dock skulle vara kopplat till fettoxidation/ämnesomsättning var mer otippat.

Hur kommer sig detta egentligen?

Mechanisms of Action for Calcium/Dairy Foods’ Role in Weight Management.
In a model of human obesity, transgenic obese mice overexpressing the agouti gene specifically in adipocytes demonstrated a beneficial effect of calcium, and particularly dairy foods, on body weight and body fat. Obese mice fed a highfat/ high-sucrose diet low in calcium for 6 wk exhibited marked increases in adipocyte lipogenesis (fat formation), decreases in lipolysis, and increases in body weight and body fat mass. However, high-calcium diets reduced lipogenesis and stimulated lipolysis, resulting in reductions in body weight gain and body fat. Dairy food sources of calcium (nonfat dry milk) had significantly greater effects than calcium alone. When obese mice were fed an energy-restricted diet, dietary calcium and, to a greater extent, calcium from nonfat dry milk increased lipolysis, decreased lipogenesis, and accelerated loss of body weight and fat.
In vitro studies in cultured human adipocytes and in the agouti obese mouse model provide a plausible mechanism whereby calcium/dairy food intake modulates energy metabolism and obesity risk. Low calcium diets have been shown to increase the calcium-regulating hormones, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone, which in turn increase intracellular calcium
concentrations in human adipocytes. Intracellular calcium plays an important role in regulating both lipogenesis and lipolysis in human adipocytes. Increased
intracellular calcium stimulates lipogenic gene expression and fatty acid synthase, a key enzyme in de novo lipogenesis. Intracellular calcium also inhibits lipolysis, resulting in increased fat storage. Conversely, a high calcium intake has been shown to inhibit production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D thereby decreasing intracellular calcium, which in turn decreased fatty acid synthase activity, increased plasma glycerol, and ultimately decreased the fat content of adipocytes.
An increase in body core temperature observed in obese mice fed high calcium diets implied calcium’s ability to alter energy metabolism from storage to expenditure whereas no increase in caloric expenditure was observed in obese rats fed a similar high-calcium diet. Recent data suggest that calcium also increases thermogenesis in humans. In a retrospective analysis of previous calcium intake studies, using whole-body, indirect calorimetry, it was shown that high calcium intake is positively related with whole-body fat oxidation over a 24-h period.
Another mechanism whereby dietary calcium intake may reduce body adiposity is by inhibiting fat absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and increasing fecal loss of fatty acids and energy through the formation and excretion of calcium-fatty acid soaps. Although this mechanism would appear insufficient to fully explain the greater weight and fat losses found in the human studies of high calcium and high dairy food diets, data from a short term study examining the effects of a highcalcium diet (1,800 mg/d) provided mainly from low-fat dairy products had no effect on 24-h energy expenditure or fat oxidation, but fecal fat excretion increased 2.5- fold and fecal energy excretion was significantly increased (1,045 vs. 684 kJ/d) compared with a low calcium diet (400 mg/d).
Taken together, rapidly emerging evidence from animal model studies, observational data, and a growing number of clinical interventions, are supportive of a significant inverse relationship between the intake of dairy foods and augmented reductions in body fat in obese animals and humans under conditions of caloric deficit.
J. Dairy Sci. 89:1207–1221
Major Scientific Advances with Dairy Foods in Nutrition and Health

2008-07-05, 09:45
Aldrig sett tror jag. Vad går de på? Smakar det något? Har ju inte mkt att förlora på att testa för skojs skull :)

Hmm, kostar 10 kr röret. 20 st, lika många som ett C-vitamin rör. Återkommer med hur mycket det är i varje tablett!:)

2008-07-05, 23:42
Hmm, kostar 10 kr röret. 20 st, lika många som ett C-vitamin rör. Återkommer med hur mycket det är i varje tablett!:)

Nu har jag inte siffrorna här, men jag tror att det allra billigaste är att köpa kalciumtabletter på Apoteket.

Finns lite olika sorter. De jag har innehåller 500mg kalcium styck samt är berikade med D-vitamin.